Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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I know this is a reach, but it would be nice to have the ability to drag around points or lables on the map before outputing them.  Specific example, plotting competitor stores that are at a Mall, all of the points stack on eachother.
When I currently hit F1 when function is highlighted within properties window it brings me to tool help - it would be helpful if it brought you to help on the function.  Or if I hover over a key word function it brings up info on it.

I'd like a simple option to zoom to the full extent of my module, showing all the tools centered on the canvas.

Thank you.

An additional feature would be to have Alteryx be able to auto-arrange or clean up the canvas tools, specifying a mimum distance between tools and reducing connector overlaps.

Our team works with a lot of in-house transaction data sets that have been put into a calgary database.  It would be much easier to build apps that use the calgary input tool without having to configure html code.

It would be nice to have the ability to double click the top area of a container to either show or hide the container's objects. Only being able to show or hide containers using the arrow icon in the top right is quite cumbersome for large containers because it requires a lot of horizontal scrolling in order to change the desired view of the modules workflow.

I think a great functionality addon would be a tool that could allow one to impute dates.  While the formula tool and multi-row tool can in many cases assist, it is not useful when dealing with batch macros where a date imputation would need to change.

Instead of being a module setting, showing counts should/could be a user setting.

When working with a transactional API, it would be beneficial to allow for multiple threads to process the workload concurrently.  A single threaded consumption is a good start, but for more volume a throttled multi-threaded tool would be very helpful.
Issue: When I use any of the Multi-Field Formula tool, I lose the variable names in the field description. This is a problem when I'm working with demographic data because the name of the variable is often something like PCT0010005. The user friendly name is in the field description metadata.

Solution: Please have the Multi-Field Formula tool behave as the Formula tool does by persisting the field Description values.


John Hollingsworth
Would it be possible to have Calgary index files saved to a sub folder so they don't reside in the same folder where the cydb is located? All these indices just clutter up the folder. Thanks,


Like many of you, I have a lot of modules and macros ... and growing. I keep them fairly organized in different folders and subfolders but sometimes I can't find that particular module I was working on weeks ago.... and I need to get it now. Now I end up doing an advanced search in windows explorer by date and maybe looking for certain keywords.
It would be nice to keep track of them in alteryx - add tags, customer names. depts to modules (meta info tab)?
Maybe a special container/gui with time line would read the meta info tab so you can more easily find that one module/macro

Also, another gui containing tool name tags so you can easily find all module that use that one tool you're looking for

I would like the ability to adjust the sort order of the tools displayed in the actions tab when creating a Macro, or at least have it conform to some sort order that can be easily identified. I can't currently make sense of this sort order which makes it hard to find the tool I’m looking for.

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