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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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I love the new 9.5 Filter tool interface.  Very simple to create filters!

A simple addition could be to add an "And" and "Or" button next to the wizard so we can build more complex filters with multiple conditions
In the Gallery, when reviewing the results of a recently run app, the option to save the results to Dropbox is currently an option.  This is a great, however, the only file format that is allowed to be saved there is .pcxml.

Please add the option to save any of the other report formats to Dropbox (.xlsx, .pdf, .pptx, .html, etc.).

I love this option in the Input Tool and use it extensively. It would be really handy to have the ability to set this option 'globally' for all Inputs in a module. I don't mean to remove it as an individual option, but to add ability to make the setting for everything. In my mind I imagine it being a Module/Runtime property that overrides the individual Input tool settings (like the Record Limit option).

It would be great if you could select multiple Data Fields in a single Crosstab

For example. I would like to SUM (Methodology) Pet Food Sales (Data Field 1) & Baby Food Sales (Data Field 2) By Store (Grouping Field) By Day of Week (Header field).

It would be great if there was an option to delete an expected column from a select tool. Sometimes I have to do a lot of work to rename different columns and would love to be able to copy & paste a select tool to partner with a slightly different input file. It would be great to delete an expected column, so I would not be forced to unselect the column to prevent error (I'd rather have the column treated as an *unknown) and I could use the remaining columns which are still applicable.

Both Input and Output tools should have the ability to read or write any file type from/into standard compression types (ZIP and GZIP). This would be helpful when managing large files.

Similar to how the Tool Container Defaults can be set on the Document tab of User Settings, it would be nice to be able to set the Comment box defaults here as well. I find that I change the Colour & Size every time I add a comment, and would appreciate if this could just be set as a default.
It would be good if in the date format option for the Parse tools etc, if there was an option for the 1900 date format used sometimes in Excel/SQL. This is where the date is represented as the number of days from 1/1/1900. If this support was added then the same support for time be represented as a decimal {0,1} would be good as well. Besides this being a nice addition to the software, it would also help with any workarounds stemming from an excel file being open when imported causing the format to come through differently. (Currently if the Excel input file is open in the background which can happen on network available files, the time comes in to Alteryx asa decimal and the date appears as 1900 format).

This is something small and silly, but having a comma in the number of records shown on the output window would be very helpful!

It would be great if we could output the coefficients of regression equation to a table so that one can use them in rest of the module. Currently, Alteryx can output the table/coefficients in charts/reports form which is not re-usable as such in the module. 
The values of coefficients/Residuals/Errors would be very useful in building macros for techniques like Missing Value Analysis which can't be done in Alteryx as of now.

You can select all fields at once, but it'd be nice to select a chunk of fields using CTL+Shift+Click

Scenario:  6 input tools, and want to add, say, a select tool after each one.
Would be nice to select all 6, and add the tool after all of them at once.

I would like to use the precreate statement as part of a app. That means if a user selects ID '12345' from an interface tool, I would like to delete recs in SQL server with that same ID through the pre create statement, then afterwards I would append new records with the same ID.
What I really miss is having the ability to send one Name & Value to an interface tool like label or readonly textbox.Then I could use Label/Textbox->Action->Output and change the precreate statement that way. 
I tried the formula way but SQL think I am running a stored procedure.
It looks like I need to use a listbox or dropdown tool and do it that way but that means I am cluttering my app with unnecessary tools. 
Could you give interface tools a 'hide' property or allow a field to be passed to the pre-Create SQL statement?
Unless there's another way to do all this? 

I would like to be able to use the join tool to join on inequalities.  We could join two tables, A and B on A.value is >= B.value1 AND A.value <= B.value2.  This would replicate the "between" function in SQL.  The equvalent feature in Tableau is pictured below.

I'm working on loading some public data available as an .xls doc on the web. I can use the download tool to fetch the file, but then have to save it, and reopen it in a separate input data tool. It would be so much easier if I could just flow the download result into an excel parser tool, but I don't see that as an option unless the download file is XML or CSV.
Currently if I receive a file where fields are empty rather than Null(), the summarize won't count them with the CountNull option. Fairly easy to put a formula right before when there is just a couple of fields and change with an IF IsEmpty() but with a file with a large number of fields and large file size, a multiple field tool eats up a lot of time converting.  Not sure if it would just be trading processing speed in the summarize to do basically the same thing.

With a module that contains a lot of tool containers, it would be nice to have an option (similar to Disable All Tool That Write Output in the RunTime TAB) to disable all Tool Containers and then I can go pick the one or two that I would like to enable.

Can you add the Data Output along with the Report Output on the Association Analysis tool.  

We needed to manually change this on our end but it would be nice if in 9.5 this easy upgrade was done already...
Rather than giving the users a big list of different date formats to choose from, allow the user to construct their own format with syntax of the incoming date that they are dealing with.

Currently I need to do a string function moving dates around to match a predefined syntax...

I have a big need to input files created in a .sqlite format and also write out to files as .sqlite that contain spatial object fields.  Currently they are not recognized as spatial objects.  BlobConvert is not able to convert the spatial fields from the input correctly (it gets close) so the result is that we are unable to utilize any spatial fields from or to these files.

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