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Submission GuidelinesHello,
After used the new "Image Recognition Tool" a few days, I think you could improve it :
> by adding the dimensional constraints in front of each of the pre-trained models,
> by adding a true tool to divide the training data correctly (in order to have an equivalent number of images for each of the labels)
> at least, allow the tool to use black & white images (I wanted to test it on the MNIST, but the tool tells me that it necessarily needs RGB images) ?
Question : do you in the future allow the user to choose between CPU or GPU usage ?
In any case, thank you again for this new tool, it is certainly perfectible, but very simple to use, and I sincerely think that it will allow a greater number of people to understand the many use cases made possible thanks to image recognition.
Thank you again
Kévin VANCAPPEL (France ;-))
Thank you again.
I know there is an idea for Dynamic Summarize, however I think with only small change to Summarize tool this could be achieved.
If we set the Summarize to Group by all our dimensions but then use ListBox + Action to control which dimensions we want to select - wouldn't it be nice (ahh Beach Boys comes to mind) to be able to tell Summarize tool that if the dimension in group by is not found just ignore it? At the moment it throws an error. I just think such small configuration would achieve this, right?
Please let me know what you think
For the Output tool, File Format of Microsoft Excel (*.xlsx) - the non-Legacy one - it doesn't have the "Delete Data & Append" option that the Legacy ad 97-2003 Excel formats have.
Having the Delete Data & Append for the most recent version of Excel would be very beneficial. Without it, there does not appear to be a way to udpate an existing Excel sheet using an Alteryx workflow while preserving the formatting within the Excel sheet. The option to Overwrite/Drop removes all formatting.
I have this workflow refreshing an Excel sheet daily, and then am emailing it to a distribution at the end of the workflow. Unfortunately, right now I have to use the 97-2003 format to preserve the formatting of the Excel sheet when it is automatically refreshed and emailed each day.
Can you please assess adding this option? Thanks!
How about adding the ability to split intersecting trade areas at the points of intersection to create two new spatial objects. The two objects could then be used to process customer records and divide them into "territories" based on the line of intersection.
Please asses the value of using d3js javascript library to create vizualisation.
Thank you.
Please asses the value of having hdf5 as data input. A possible workflow could be:
HDF5 => | Processing tasks | => export to Tableau (.tde) or Qlik (.qnx) => vizualisation workflows
Thank you.
I would like to suggest to add a widget which encapsulate an R script able to perform outlier detection, something similar like netflix did:
Thank you.
Hi Alteryx,
I tried importing a file into my text input tool and I ran across this error.
Why is there a limit? Can we get rid of it since we're not living in DOS anymore.
I am trying to use the Dynamic Replace to selectively update records in a set of variables from survey data. That is, I do not have all potential values in the “R” input of Dynamic Replace. Instead, I have a list of values that I would like altered from their current values by respondent (RespondentID) and question # (Q#). Currently, when I run the workflow, any Q#/ResponseID combos that are not in my “R” input are replaced with blanks. However, I would like an option that maintains the original data if there is nothing to replace the data with. Without this option, there are few (I'm still working on some ways) workarounds to ensure the integrity of the data.
Sometimes we have workflows that fail and it is a pain to reschedule them. I wish there was a button on the bottom right corner of each workflows result just like Output.
Please add XBRL - eXtensible Business Reporting Language ( , Wikipedia , ) as output file format.
XBRL is based on XML and is used in financial word, for example all public companies in USA send their financial reports to Stock Exchange Commison in XBRL format. (
In Japan Central Bank and Financial Services Agency (FSA) are collecting financial data for banks and financial companies using XBRL format.
Thank you.
Please evaluate the opportunity to export Alteryx workflows as xml based GraphML format in order to be able to import them in yED, the free graph editor. (
Thank you.
Please evaluate the opportunity to export Alteryx workflows in .dot format, the same file format used by graphviz (
Thank you.
It would be nice to tie the labels to the spatial objects being labeled.
The community could benefit from easier integration of splitting and applying functions to grouped data. The summarize tool is great for splitting your data and applying summary statistical functions. It would be super useful to take that block just one step further, and allow users to apply any other (aggregate) function to their grouped data instead of just the built-in functions in the summarize tool. I would envision that aggregate function either being a custom function that is a combination of existing user-specified functions within Alteryx (e.g. in the formula tool) and/or even an interface that allows you to use other Alteryx macros on the grouped data.
Apply user-defined functions, or other powerful Alteryx macros to grouped and data is a very common operation in the data analyst's daily workflows and being able to apply them without reverting to batch/iterative macros in a seamless manner would be naturally helpful.
I recently did some extensive work on using the download tool to invoke Restful Web Services. A lot of the initial effort was around ensuring that the data being passed in the header and body for the request was as the service required. Following review of experiences on the community I used a tool called Fiddler to directly view what was being sent to identify the problems in my transformations of the data going into the Download tool. The idea is that the raw HTTP request and reply messages are available directly in Alteryx in the Results window when running a workflow, preventing the need to use another tool.
Add a search or find function that looks for content within a tool rather than just the tool number. e.g. ctrl Find, to look for any tool that uses a keyword or field in the formula/join/etc. This would save me a boatload of time editing, updating, and troubleshooting my workflows.
Currently using these macros from Adam Riley:
The stuff he has over there is great and makes alteryx much more powerful. Two tools in particular that I am using from there are Conditional Runners and the Parallel Block Until Done. These are tools that for us are vital and it would be nice if Alteryx would pick them up and maintain them for stability.
During execution the user cannot scroll around. Large workflows need to be shrunk to very small icons to be able to follow the progress. Either have an option to automaticaly center on the active icon or allow scrolling during execution.
It would be really useful to have a Join function that updated an existing file (not a database, but a flat or yxdb file).
The rough SAS equivalent are the UPDATE and MODIFY Statements
The goal would be to have a join function that would allow you to update a master dataset's missing variables from a transaction database and, optionally, to overwrite values on the master data set with current ones, without duplicating records, based on a common key.
The use case is you have an original file, new information comes in and you want to fill in the data that was originally missing without overwriting the original data (if there is data on the transaction file for that variable). In this case only missing data is changed.
Or as a separate use case, you had original data which has now been updated and you do want to overwrite the original data. In this case any variable with new values is updated, and variables without new values is left unchanged.
Why this is needed: if you don't have a Oracle type database, it is difficult to do this task inside of Alteryx and information changes over time (customers buy new products, customers update profiles, you have a file that is missing some data, and want to merge with a file that has better data for missing values, but worse data for exisitng values (it is from a different time period (e.g. older)). In theory you could do this with "IF isnull() Then replace" statements, but you'd have to build them for each variable and have a long data flow to capture the correct updates. Now is is much faster to do it in SAS and import the updated file back into Alteryx.
Visio is our organization's most common method of communicating business processes and workflows. Being able to export an Alteryx workflow to Visio would help us communicate the tool's functionality to process owners.
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