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add XBRL as output format

Please add XBRL - eXtensible Business Reporting Language ( ) as output file format.


XBRL is based on XML and is used in financial word, for example all public companies in USA send their financial reports to Stock Exchange Commison in XBRL format. (

In Japan  Central Bank and Financial Services Agency (FSA) are collecting financial data for banks and financial companies using XBRL format.


Thank you.




7 - Meteor

Does anyone have any modules to share that import/process XBRL data? We are just getting started and would rather not recreate the wheel :)



13 - Pulsar

This would be a critical capability for finance intitutions I guess...

6 - Meteoroid

Would be nice to see, especially for the folks in the Accounting/Finance sectors. In the U.S. Companies filing with SEC must submit their documentation in XBRL format as well as HTML format. So an XBRL input and output tool would be really cool. Tons more information on XBRL can be read here by a couple guys who helped create the standard:

13 - Pulsar


Key XBRL regulatory report benefits mentioned by Earnst and Young:

  • Reduce reporting burden
  • Drive down costs
  • Improve data timelines
  • Improve data accuracy
  • Increase transparency
  • Increase accuracy
  • Improve flexibility
5 - Atom

Would be great to have for Finance and regulatory sectors. XBRL files are now asked by several partners in banks and financial companies

13 - Pulsar

Actually not only XBRL but based on different schema we need to be able to both create XML and validate it as well...

This is a really lacking feature that needs to be developed in order to get a foothold in finance departments I suppose...

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Under Review

Hi All,


We don't have any plans to implement immediately, but please continue to star if you'd like to see this.




6 - Meteoroid


I was wondering how can I output in XBRL type? Should I download a template or something else to add this file format? 

13 - Pulsar

You definitely need a template to convert to XBRL...

6 - Meteoroid

For outputting to XBRL, a custom Macro would probably be needed. It is totally possible in Alteryx if someone puts in the time to build it. I would give it a go if I had the need for it in my job.