Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Problem : when I develop a macro, I often change the configuration in the "Template input" part of the "Macro Input" tool from "Text Input" to "File Input".

Doing that loses the previous data : moving from "Text Input" to "File Input" removes the data entered and moving from "File Input" to "Text Input" removes the pointer to the file.

Which is annoying.


Solution : keep the data or file pointer in the "Template Input" so that it doesn't disappear when changing configuration choice.



I spend too much time creating functions and supporting fields to help me aggregate based on dates.  I think that it would be very useful if the Summarize (US spellings....!!!) tool could be extended to include Date Aggregations that were naturally built in such as using a Date field to Group By Year, Month, Date.


I think that this would be a very easy update to the existing functionality and would be very useful as good time could be spent to provide all the usual date / time aggregations pre-made for users.


Kind regards,


If you have 2 containers  A, B and both are not connected through any tool, now you need to run A container first then after completion of running A container then you want to start B container process because B container uses A container output. 


For this we have Chained Apps but what if we want to run both containers in same workflow. This feature will be helpful for so many people.

It might very helpful if we use the same annotation for group of tools. Now it is possible when we copy annotation from one tool to other tool, however maybe option for example "use existing" with dropdown of existing annotations will be more automated. Tool comment allows to do something similar (describing multiple tools in process) however tools must be arranged next to each other to make its use clear.

Hi all, 


I'm trying my best to think of the most secure way to do this and struggling within Alteryx using the Download tool in its current format. 


I am using an Internal API Manager to retrieve data but this particular API requires additional "Headers" values for username and pw beyond my standard OAuth2 flow to the API Manager. Now I can run this locally but in order to save this down to our network as a workflow or to ideally run it from Gallery I should not be leaving credentials in open text anywhere so that anyone looking at the workflow or the underlying xml can grab these creds. Surely quite an easy one to mask or can this be made more dynamic to retrieve credentials from a Key Vault for example? e.g. Azure Key Vault?


Can we add masking to the Download Tool Header Values?




It would be great if I could see my save history in the debug menu. Currently it looks like this:



I'm not asking to be able to undo saves, I just want to be able to see where the workflow was saved within this menu so that I can easily see what actions have been taken since my last save. 

Improve HIVE connector and make writable data available







Type of Support:Read-only
Supported Versions:0.7.1 and later
Client Versions:--
Connection Type:ODBC
Driver Details:The ODBC driver can be downloaded here.

Read-only support to Hive Server 1 and Hive Server 2 is available.

For years, Alteryx would gracefully rename conflicting field names. It would issue a warning and that's it.


We recently upgraded from 2019.4 to 2022.1.1.30961 and now an error is produced:


The field X was renamed conflicting with an existing field name


I searched for "rename" in every release notes version applicable and I do not see this. Is it a bug? Is it a feature?


We have an Alteryx server with thousands of workflows built by dozens of users with varying skill levels. This is a tremendous amount of work to go through and fix all the failing workflows.


Please help me understand this change because there was seemingly no warning and now we are scrambling.

Would it be possible to have alteryx create the IAM user + password? If that's possible, we can create an IAM role that would allow you to assume this role.


Can alteryx create this type of user and assume our role?

Create social and holiday themes for icons and set the canvas to an appropriate color.  Here's a world mental health day example:


WMHD Screengrab.png


If you need help, ask me how I did it.






P.S.  I realize that 2023 is next year.  Please don't wait that long :)

When we use search option it might be helpful to see also tool category where we can find searching tool.



In Sort tool might be benefical to add Custom sort functionality - similar to Tableau custom sort option. It allows to sort values manually in desired order.



It would be great if we can determine the type of join operation between the fields we choose to join. For example, if we join 2 fields a and b below, we should be able to determine the join operation whether it's an 'AND' or 'OR' operation.



I think adding a highlight color option to the fields in the select tool would be a helpful field organization feature. Many times I am appending data/joining data, and I would like to visually separate the original fields from the appended ones, and then sort on the highlight colors chosen--and maintain these colors through the workflows. For example my raw data customer fields would be highlighted in blue: ID, First Name, Last Name, Address and my appended ones in, say, yellow: (marketing fields such as Dwelling Type, Household Composition, etc). Then it would allow to easily sort and visualize by append through the workflows.




I would like to suggest to contemplate the option to add a new SDK based on lua language.

Why Lua?

o is open source / MIT license

o is portable

o is fast

o is powerful and simple

o Lua has been used to extend programs written in C, C++, Java, C#, Smalltalk, Fortran, Ada, Erlang



We are experiencing performance issues with fetching schema/table/columns info on Alteryx Designer when using Vertica DB.


From the troubleshoot with Alteryx support, the query hitting "odbc_columns" is contributing to the performance issue. Vertica DBA suggests to use "columns" instead of "odbc_columns". Submitting this request to change the query.


Refer to case 00551930 for more info.


Hi - 


We are using the new(ish) Anaplan connector tools; in particular, the "Anaplan Output" tool (send data TO Anaplan).


The issue that I'm having is that the Anaplan Output Tool only accepts a CSV file.  This means that I must run one workflow to create the CSV file, then another workflow to read the CSV file and feed the Anaplan Output Tool.


If it were possible to have an output anchor on the Output tool that would simply pass the CSV records through to the Anaplan Output tool, the workflows would be drastically simplified.



Mark Chappell


Alteryx really needs to show a results window for the InDB processes.  It is like we are creating blindly without it.  Work arounds are too much of a hassle.




Currently in Result window we have datacleanse, fileter and sort functionality which makes life easier.


We dont have column Rename and Data type change functionality. In order to do that we need to drag a tool for the same for Rename of column.





Result Tool should be capable enough to Rename column and Data type.


It will save a lot of time ,


The "Field Summary" tool and several others have a configuration requirement that provides a list of fields to select or deselect.  The selection action is singular meaning you can only effect the action on one item in the list of many.  As the number of fields we work with grows significantly this becomes a time consuming and tedious task.


This should be enhanced to allow highlighting of multiple fields to select or deselect as we can do in tools like the "Select" tool.

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