Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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The tokenize would be more powerful if in addition to Drop Extra with Warning / Without Warning / Error, you could opt to have extra tokens concatenated with the final column.


Example: I have a values in a column like these:





In all 3 cases, I want to split to 3 columns (key, mlsid, mlsnumber), though I only care about the last two.  But in the third example, the mlsnumber RX-10326049 actually contains a hyphen.  (Yes, the source for this data picked a very bad delimiter for a concatenated value).


I can parse this a lot of different ways - here's how I do it in SQL:


MlsId = substr(substr(listingkey, instr(listingkey, '-')+1), 1, instr(substr(listingkey, instr(listingkey, '-')+1), '-')-1)
MlsNumber = substr(substr(listingkey, instr(listingkey, '-')+1), instr(substr(listingkey, instr(listingkey, '-')+1), '-')+1);


With Regex tokenize, I can split to 4 or more columns and then with a formula test for a 4th+ column and re-concatenate.  BUT it would be awesome if in the Regex tokenize I could instead:


1. split to columns

2. # of columns 3

3. extra columns = ignore, add to final column

When adding multiple integer fields together in a formula tool, if one of the integer values is Null, the output for that record will be 0. For example, if the formula is [Field_A] + [Field_B] + [Field_C], if the values for one record are 5 + Null + 8, the output will be 0. All in all, this makes sense, as a Null isn't defined as a number in any way - it's like trying to evaluate 5 + potato. However, there is no error or warning indicating that this is taking place when the workflow is run, it just passes silently.


Is there any way to have this behavior reported as a warning or conversion error when it happens? Again, the behavior itself makes sense, but it would be great to get a little heads up when it's happening. 

Hello all,


Within the databases that I work in, I often find that there is duplicated data for some columns, and when using a unique tool, I have little control of what is deemed the unique record and which is deemed the duplicate.


A fantastic addition would be the ability to select which record you'd like to keep based on the type + a conditional. For example, if I had:


Field 1Field 2Field 3


I would want to keep the non-null field (or non-zero if I cleansed it). It'd be something like "Select record where [Field 1] is greatest and [Field 2] is not null" (which just sounds like a summarize tool + filter, but I think you can see the wider application of this)


I know that you can either change the sort order beforehand, use a summarize tool, or go Unique > Filter duplicates > Join > Select records -- but I want the ability to just have a conditional selection based on a variety of criteria as opposed to adding extra tools.


Anyways, that's just an idea! Thanks for considering its application!





 In my use of the Data Cleansing I want all the fields to be cleansed. Selecting the ALL choice selects all the fields, however if new fields are added later they are not automatically added. Perhaps the addition of a UNKNOWN choice as in the SELECT tool.




Hi all


It would be helpful to have the possibility to work with placeholders in zip file input:


1. placeholder for zip file itself    c:/data/*

2. placeholder for the files in the zip file  *raw.csv


It would make it easier to automate daily zip files with files with the same structure in the zipped file.


Kind regards



Hi All,


It would be great if Alteryx 10.5 supports connectivity to SAS server.



The object name is too long in NFD/NFC when connected to Teradata Error occurs when you use SQL comments above the SELECT statement within the Connect In-DB customer query box. Once the comments are removed the problem is resolved. It would be great if the Connect In-DB tool could recognise comments as what they are. 

I want to use Alteryx to pull data from a SharePoint List.  This shouldn't be a problem, but I use SharePoint Content Types.  Alteryx won't allow me to import any list that has Content Types enabled; thus rendering the SP list input type not usable. 

My interim workaround is to create a data connection thru excel to the list and then pull the data in that way, but optimally, I would like to pull directly from the list.


Content types are a best practice in SharePoint, so any list or library in my site collection contains them.


Please update the SharePoint list input to support content types.


thank you,


Someone else inquired about this but I didn't see an idea entered /


My system's regional settings are German that uses a different decimal symbol and digit grouping than an English system.

Frequently I need to copy data from a browse tool in Alteryx to Excel to create a quick chart or further analysis; this often includes float or double data types.
Instead of the in my case correct ',' as decimal symbol, Alteryx uses the English '.', hence would cause incorrectly pasted values in Excel.
Always using an Excel file as output data is time consuming.

The request is: Make Floats and Double aware of the systems regional setting for copy and paste out of results.

I have a column called Recency that only has values from 1 to 5. When I view the data using the Browse tool I see a scatter graph of the data that tells me very little apart from the fact that they only have values from 1 to 5. It would be much more useful to display a histogram showing how many records have 1,2 etc so I get a better idea of the data quality.


Alteryx Designer x64 - RFM_pushSF.yxmd.jpg        Alteryx Designer x64 - RFM_pushSF1.yxmd.jpg


Currently there is no "In - Database" node to perform action queries


Work around

Use of the pre / post SQL in "Output data" node to perform action queries



Alteryx ease of use of "In - Database" nodes to work on large scale databases

Currently use of Knmie and SSIS is preferred instead of Alteryx


Action Requested

Please add an action query node to "In - Database" group.



Using Render tool to create an excel document. 

(This is for a specific use case)


If you are using the RENDER tool to create one or more EXCEL documents.  Ensure that you are NOT explicitly stating the Sheet name in the file name.  (Output file or 'Replacing entire Path with Group).


If you explicitly name the sheet, it will throw an inboundPipe error.  

Remove the sheet name, and it should work fine. 



You have a slide within a slide and if your window is not big enough you don't even see both slides.  Makes absolutely no sense and is super annoying.


join double slide.JPG

I use macros all the time, and I would love if the metadata could persist between runs no matter what tools exist in the macro. I've attached a simple example which should demonstrate the issue. After running the module once, the select tool (4) is populated with the expected data; however, as soon as anything changes (like a tool is dropped onto the canvas), the select tool (4) is no longer receiving the metadata to properly be populated. I've added the crosstab tool from the macro onto my workflow to demonstrate that it's only a problem when the tool is inside a macro. It makes it difficult at times to work with workflows that utilize macros due to the metadata constantly disappearing anytime a change is made. The solution would be for the metadata from the last run to persist until the next run. This is how the crosstab tool is working on my workflow, but putting it inside the macro changes its behavior.

We are attempting to connect to a Sybase DB. The version we're trying to connect to is 15.7.0. It seems Alteryx only officially supports 15.0.2 connection. 


Will there be an update coming in a future release so that we can connect directly and not have to use DB extracts? 




It would be nice to have the option to overlay multiple addresses to find  marketing opportunities within the heatmap. Currently I have to map the addresses elsewhere and click back and forth between tabs to see where they lay within the chosen variables.



I often go betwen the favorites group and other groups of tools I'm using but might not be considered favorites.  It would be nice if there was a way for a user to put the their most commonly used tools in a ribbon bar on the top near the run button?  The user could quickly grab and drag that tool to the canvas.  IT wouldn't replace the favorites but be an addition to favorites.  What do people think?  Useful or redundant?  Interested to hear what people say.






I have been using Alteryx for not a very long time, but allready feel frustated by the difficulties when it comes to access the data result shown in the Browse Tool (from Linear Regression, Principal Component Analysis, etc.).

Lots of the output shown here is really important data that you really want to be able to access for further analysis in Alteryx or in another tool.


This data should be easy to access, following the Alteryx self-service philosophy.


Extractable Output.png



When running a workflow and outputting files to get a better look at the data if you have forgotten to close one of the output files of the same name, you get the "Error Creating File". 

I understand why this happens and that I forgot to do something.  The issue I have is that it doesnt tell me that those files have been left open until after the workflow is almost complete which in some cases is 5-10 minutes and then I have to close the output files and re run and wait again.  Could a future version check those files at the begining of the process and then let me know, or could there be a message that says "filename" was open and could not be created we have renamed it to "filenameA".  Checking at the begining would be prefered. 



Can you look at improving the table tool? something to look at:

  1.  background/alternate color off or none so we don't have any fill color in Excel
  2. Table header alignment option vertical AND horizontal - different from row alignment.
  3. make it dynamic for rules - so if _currentfieldname contains 'percent' then back ground color =yellow, if contains 'Rank' then green etc. Split between header & data. I know it could be accomplished with a macro and xml but that's a tedious process and having it in the tool just makes sense.





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