Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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In the question type "DropDown/ListBox", there's an option to use an external file. The file should be able to influence whether the record is selected or not. Maybe there's a reserved column name called "SELECTED" which could contain True/False values which the UI would key off.

I think Alteryx needs to first determine if the output file if there (if it's supposed to be) or not there (if it's not supposed to be) vs running for X number of mins and then coming back with an error message that the file doesn't exist or already exists - depending on your setting for output.   It should ping all input and all output files and determine if an error will occur there before running the workflow.  IMHO.

In regards to the little ALTERYX box that pops up every time I run my YXWZ file..

This is COMPLETELY ANNOYING!  I don't want to click the dang thing every time to close it.  It has ZERO VALUE.  I already know its ALTERYX.  SO LETS LOSE THIS WASTED STEP!  I have to run this many times when testing and for production, WHY DO I HAVE TO CLICK IT EVERY SINGLE TIME TO CLOSE IT!


I have a second suggestion... I tried to enter this suggestion, AND I KEEP GETTING A SNAFU because the IDEA LABELS feature in your submit tool.  LOSE IT or make it so I don't have to fill it in.  I get you want to somehow CATEGORIZE, but, if you can't come up with something useful, I am not a mind reader and I don't have time to sit here and figure out WHAT MIGHT BE THE MAGIC WORD that might be associated with my idea.  GIMME A BREAK!



I suggest adding a piece wise linear regression tool to the predictive tool set.  Many times, modelers in the insurance business  (and others) like to play around with the model, i.e. placing knots/splines at multiple intervals then after seeing the results, changing where those knots are placed.  This gives the best fit based not only on mathematical technical knowledge but also domain/tribal knowledge, especially when training data sets are small.  


Currently, we have to try and develop our own model matched with a macro which changes the r-code.  To date, there has been no luck, but maybe the Alteryx excellent customer support would get the developers to do this for us and then...........we could finally bury SAS in the ground.

Our company got Alteryx server a few months ago, and we were surprised to find out that (at current setup) the members of my team can not collaborate on workflows published on our Server. 


What we would like to see  (How we envision being able to share workflows). 


With any published workflow on the server, be able to publish a workflow to a shared space and/or share owner permissions with or edit abilities to with another user. 




Allow another authorized user to download, edit, and update those workflows - keeping them current in someone's absence (Vacation or leave for a new job). 



Please build this functionality so we can get back to using Server instead of a shared folder on the network.



It would be very useful to have a new Grid selection question type. This would allow you to see a grid of data that you can sort and pan through and make selections. Similar to a multi select but in grid form with multiple columns.



Can the Log format be changed, so that each line starts with 

MM-DD-YYYY hh:mm:ss TZ.


This is to allow log monitoring applications to process the file correctly.






Allow Workflow Dependencies to run other tools or workflow .

Would like a component to analyse an incoming dataset and suggest a key for the data, i.e. detect what field or composite of fields would uniquely identify a record in the data.  The key could then be detected by the output data component and add primary key's to tables when created.  Great for when using the drop and recreate option, i.e. would retain an index on the key.

I find myself cutting and pasting (rearranging steps) a lot.  Right click "move ahead" or "move upstream" would be great for shifting the order of filters and formulas and such.

When I save records out of a browser tool, an info window appears when the file is finished saving. Please add a hyperlink to that window that will open the newly saved file. This should work the same way as the hyperlink in the Output message window.

We recently upgraded our SQL server to 2016 to enable us to use R Server for predictive analytics.  We were excited about the more powerful algorithms and the fact that parallel processing will make things faster on bigger data sets.  


We often use stepwise logistic regression, especially in cases where we need to show which attributes are most significant.  The one drawback about the upgrade was that stepwise is not available when running logistic regression in-database.  I know there are ways to get around this e.g. PC etc. but it would be nice to have the ability to do stepwise in-database.


I hope there are others like me that will vote this up.  I think it will help a lot of data scientists out there and is probably one of the easier suggestions :-).

Similar concept to how when you right click on a folder, computer icon, or file in windows. When you right click on any of these things you are able to pull up a properties link/tab which gives you relevant information and path of the file location.

For this particular idea the properties tab will give information on the Alias, such as server type, connection type; ie microsoft  provider or oracle provider, etc.

This would be helpful not only to go back and understand why you choose that connection type, but also when training others.

Thank you

We see very nice demos at the Alteryx Academy. Trainers showing some actions, tips and tricks on screens previously recorded...


Originally you need to install a software like;

Then learn how to use them and share separate video or moving GIF files with people manually by mail etc....


I suggest a screen recorder for Alteryx where you can quickly record and save how something is done

and then share it thru Peer to peer with a colleague one-on-one or publish to the Alteryx Community...


It may even be an awesome thing if one can share screen in real-time with another Alteryx user...

Then it will be top notch collaboration...























Altan @Atabarezz

Currently In tools like the select and join you have the ability to sort the field order by ‘Field’. As I understand if this sorts the fields by ASCII order from the smallest to the largest character that you can display.
The English-language ASCII sequence is consistent with the order shown in the following:
blank ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z[ ] ˆ_
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { } ~
I would find it very useful to have the ability to use a dictionary sort in these tools.

I will try to make this short but the back story is a bit long.

I was recently tasked with scraping a website requiring repeated call to the URL with about 10,000 different queries. Pushing all 10,000 at the Download tool caused intermittent DownloadData to be returned with HTML from what appeared to be a default fallback help page.  Not what I needed.  I suspected the site may have seen all the calls in rapid succession as a DDoS attack or something, so I put a Throttle tool in line to lessen the burden on their server.  It reduced the failed calls, but there was still more than I found acceptable, requiring pulling out the failed queries and repeating the same throttled processing.  Putting time between each record was what I needed.  And then I found this Wait/Pause Between Processing Records  Just what I needed.


Now the constructive criticism.  I hope I don't offend anybody.

The macro does the job using a simple ping statement inside a grouped batch macro, pinging until a selected time interval has passed.  It does this repeated pinging for every record.  That can add up to a lot of pings especially if the time interval is rather large and a lot of records are being processed.  Then DDoS popped into my head.  The same issue that led me to find this very solution.

So, I started thinking how could I accomplish this same wait between records and iterative macro seemed plausible, seeing that loops can be used in code to do this very thing.


I have attached the macro I came up with.  Feel free to check it out, critique the hell out of it, and/or used it if it will solve any problem you might have.  I only ask that you keep the macro intact and give credit where credit is deserved.


Thanks for your time,


Dan Kelly


I ❤️ Alteryx but sometimes I miss some of the abilities Tableau has to visualize the data output while designing.


When working with data containing many fields, I find myself changing the order of columns, running the workflow, and repeating... over and over until I get the right "look".


I know you can right-click and drag in the configuration pane of the select tool but I was thinking that it would be great if we could also do the same in the results pane and see the changes live.

When processing multiple files using wildcard character, Alteryx workflow fails when there is empty file. Skipping zero size file option would help. Else, I have to write a batch macro and process each file separately.

Hello all,


It would be awesome if Alteryx was able to accept Lat/Long and be able to tell you what timezone that location was in and be able to do time analysis from there.






I have found out a minor usability bug from v


Feature occurs if I output data from Join tool so that some or all left outputs are unselected:















Now when using the output of the left stream in another join there occurs a small bug affecting workflow:


In the rightmost join tool Alteryx does not recognize right away that there should be multiple columns, A, B and C coming from the left output. This can be solved by going out of the tool and getting back, but this has a minor impact on the workflow.





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