Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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As detailed in How-To-Create-an-Optional-Field-for-an-Analytic-App, when using the "Generate Field Map for Input Data Tool" option in the File Browse tool, you can easily specify a field as "optional" by adding "(Optional)" to the field name in the input template. However, when you do this, it no longer automatically matches field names in the selected file unless those field names also include "(Optional)" in the field name. It would be very helpful to the user experience if the tool matched the name of the field prior to the "(Optional)" text with the fields in the selected file.


For example, if you include the field "Address (Optional)" in the input template file, and you select a file which has a field named "Address," that field is not automatically selected as a matching field. The user must manually match that field. "Address (Optional)" should automatically match "Address" if it exists. But, of course, if it does not exist, it would not match and it would remain optional.


When using the latest version of PublishtoPowerBI and attempting to publish on the gallery the password encryption appears to be specific to the machine where the workflow resides.


It only works when the workflow is published from Designer on the Worker server. This is currently a limitation of the tool as confirmed by Alteryx on INC Case # 00261086.


Alteryx support also flagged that Refresh Token authentication type does not work on a Gallery. Authenication type Persist credentials should be used when publishing on the Gallery.


Could you please implement a solution so that we can use this tool when publishing to gallery?



The Adobe Analytics API token is currently set to expire 30 days after the call has been configured. When the token expires, I have to re-authenticate AND reconfigure the API call.


The API call shuoldn't expire when the token expires. Upon re-authenticating, the call should persist as it was originally configuired.






Understanding that for some tools / data sets this feature would favor larger displays with more screen real estate, I think it would be helpful to be able to view both the input(s) and output(s) data in the results pane simultaneously via dedicated sub-results panes for each input / output. 


To try to put some form to the picture of it I had in my head, I patched together a few screenshots in SnagIt as a rough idea on what something like this could potentially look like to the end user, using the Join tool as an example (though I think it would be cool for all tools, if that is practical). Not sure how well it will show up in the embedded photo below, so I also also attached it - for reference, the screenshot was taken with Alteryx in full-screen mode on a 3440x1440 monitor.


Alteryx Feature Request - View all inputs & outputs in Results pane simultaneously v2.jpg


Not the prettiest - but hopefully you get the idea. A few general features I thought might be helpful include:


  • Clean / streamlined GUI elements for each "sub-pane"
  • Ability to toggle on / off any of the sub-panes
  • Ability to re-sized any of the "sub-panes" as desired
  • Ability to customize how many results are included in the results view of each input / output (i.e., either by row count or size)


I'm sure there would be several more neat features a view like this could support, but these are the ones I could think of offhand. To be clear, I wouldn't want this to replace the ability to click any individual tool input / output to only view that data if desired, but rather imagined this "view" could be optionally activated / toggled on and off by double clicking on the body of a tool (or something like that). Not sure whether this is feasible or would just be too much for certain large tools / datasets, but I think it would be the bees knees - am I the only one?


Let me know if anyone has any thoughts or feedback to share!



It will be nice to have a tool which can salce/standardize/Normalize a variable or set of variables to a selected range eg. (0 to 1) ( 0 to pi ) (-1 to 1) etc.. or user specified range.


Althoug its possilbe to do it using fomula tool which include creating new summary variables and several steps -  I think its worth to have it as a tool given the whole philosophy of alteryx is to keep it easy and quick.

Hello Community,



I was wondering if there is a tool that could de-duplicate records after serializing (or after using Transpose Tool) with a given priority for each field in one of the keys? i.e.


ID Origin Field Name Value
1 B ZIP CODE 15024
1 C ZIP CODE 15024



Assuming for the field name NAME, the priority should be [ A, B ]

ZIP CODE -> [ C, B ]

TYPE -> [ H, D ]

The expected outcome for Id 1 should be -> JACK, 15024, PKL

Record discarded -> PETER, 15024, MID

In this case I'm using ID and Origin as keys in the Transpose Tool.


I just want to make sure there is no other route than the Python Tool.


Thank you




I did do some searching on this matter but I couldn't find a solution to the issue I was having. I made a Analytic App that the user can select columns from a spreadsheet with 140+ columns. This app looks at the available columns and dynamically updates the list box every time it is run.  I wanted users to use the built in Save Selection they don't have to check each box with the columns they want every time they run it. However I seem to have found an issue with the Save Selection option when the Header in the source has a comma in it e.g. "Surname, First Name".

As the saved YXWV file seems to save the selection in a comma delimited way but without " " around the headers. So as you can see in my example below when you try and load this again Alteryx appears unable to parse the values as it thinks "Surname" and "First Name"  are separate values/fields and not "Surname, First Name" and doesn't provide an error when it fails to load the selection.

Last Name=False,First Name=False,Middle Name=False,Surname, First Name=False,

So perhaps the Save Selection when writing the file can put string quotes round the values to deal with special characters in the Selections for the List Box. I have made a work around and removed special characters from the header in my source data but its not really ideal.

When using ConsumerView macro from Join tool palette for demographic data matching from Experian, the matching yield is higher than compared to Business Match marco. It would be great if the matching key for telephone number could be added to Business Match (US) tool the yield might increase and will provide more value to the firmographic data sets than it currently yields by matching just the D&B Business Names and addresses only.


It was great to find the DateTimeTrim function when trying to identify future periods in my data set.


It would be even better if in addition to the "firstofmonth" , "lastofmonth" there could be "firstofyear", "lastofyear" functionality that would find for instance Jan, 1 xxxx plus one second and Jan, 1 xxxx minus one second. (Dec, 31 xxxx 12:58:59) respectively.


I'm not sure if time down to the second would even be needed but down to the day period.



DTT menuDTT menu

The overview window is useful with large workflows. Clicking once centers the workflow on the desired location. I think it would be great if you could double click and it would center on that location as well as zoom to the "Normal" zoom level. Quite often when working with large workflows you are zoomed out and it would be helpful to quickly be able to go to a section of the workflow and automatically be at a level where you can see the the connection progress (without having to zoom in enough times to see it.)




I'm using Alteryx with an Hadoop Cluster, so I'm using lots of In-DB tools to build my workflows using Simba Hive ODBC Driver.


My Hadoop administrator set some king of default properties in order to share the power of the cluster to many people.


But some intensive workflow request need to override some properties. For instance, I must adjust the size of the TEZ container in setting specific values for hive.tez.container.size and


A work-arround is to set those properties in the server side properties panel in ODBC Administrator but if I have many different configuration, I will have a lot of ODBC datasource which is not the ideal.


If I could directly set those properties in the Connect In-DB tool, it would be nice.

Hi there,


I noticed that here: it is mentioned that the number of workers can be set, and that the default is 2. However, this option seems to be removed, and the default seems to be max.

In a short workflow, this might not be necessary as the information related to each tool is spelled out in the progress windows.  However, in a complicated and lengthy workflow, tracing such msg can be a tedious task. In addition, using a tool with multiple outputs and only one output is selected while the residual outputs may be used to validate the result in the selected output; for example, joint tool where left or right output should be zero, a visual queue could be a quick way to alert operator on any potential problem.  Certainly, a browse tool can be added but in a big workflow, couple with a large data set, it might be a drain to the system resource. What if there is a tool that would activate a visual alert, like a light bulb, based on a preset condition to tell user that something is wrong and perhaps additional work needs to be done to either remedy or to account for the residual data. As in the case of a joint where 100% match is desired, any unmatched row would require an update to the reference list which maybe an additional adhoc process outside the current process. Certainly, an additional steps can be added to first explore the possibility of unmatched data and to update the reference list accordingly.  The workflow would in hold until 100% match is achieve. This would require additional system resource in order to hold; especially with large set of data and lengthy workflow.  If the unmatched situation rarely occurs, just a lightweight visual queue that 'pop' while allow the process either to break or to go through might be a sensible solution.  Just a thought.

Workflow Dependencies is a great feature. It would be even better if you can save several configurations so that you can switch between them with 1 click only, saving the effort to copy and paste. For example:


Configuration Name Local Test Production Custom
Dependency 1 Path 1A Path 1B Path 1C (Null)
Dependency 2 Path 2A Path 2B Path 2C (Null)
Dependency 3 Path 3A Path 3B Path 3C (Null)



Something similar to the Field Configuration (Field Type Files) for Select Tool.


Another option is you save several dependencies there so that you can choose them in the drop-down list of Input and Output tools.


This would facilitate sharing and deployment.

In the Configuration section of the Formula tool, the “Output Column” area is resizable.  However, it has a limit that needs to be increased.  Several of the column names I work with are not clearly identifiable with the current sizing constraint.  I do not think the sizing needs to be constrained. 

Currently you get an "Unexpected error" if you try to connect to a table with numeric fields, the solution now is to make a custom query and cast all numeric fields as string and then use a select tool to make it a double.
But to make things easier for everyone, the support for numeric fields is needed.


(It would also be great if we could connect to views without having to use a custom query....)

I find this page very helpful to understand how each tool works:  Alteryx Tools


It would be really great if Alteryx also provides a working example for each tool. For an effective hands-on experience....!!

My organization is considering a move to a Microsoft Azure platform but requires support for Bring your Own Encryption (BYOE) or Bring Your Own Key (BYOK). As such, leveraging alteryx on this data lake would require this level of support.


I would like to see Alteryx support this in the future, ensuring that we are able to leverage the power of alteryx designer within this platform.

Please test/certify Teradata 16.2 for designer, server, scheduler, and Gallery applications.  

I would love to see a multi-output filter for cases where I want to route records to different places for processing based on the value of a single field. 


For example I want to filter each letter to a different destination:



I would love to see a single tool that can send each letter to a different destination. See the attached screenshot for a concept of what this could look like. 

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