Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Ability to view all inputs & outputs in Results pane simultaneously via modular sub-panes

Understanding that for some tools / data sets this feature would favor larger displays with more screen real estate, I think it would be helpful to be able to view both the input(s) and output(s) data in the results pane simultaneously via dedicated sub-results panes for each input / output. 


To try to put some form to the picture of it I had in my head, I patched together a few screenshots in SnagIt as a rough idea on what something like this could potentially look like to the end user, using the Join tool as an example (though I think it would be cool for all tools, if that is practical). Not sure how well it will show up in the embedded photo below, so I also also attached it - for reference, the screenshot was taken with Alteryx in full-screen mode on a 3440x1440 monitor.


Alteryx Feature Request - View all inputs & outputs in Results pane simultaneously v2.jpg


Not the prettiest - but hopefully you get the idea. A few general features I thought might be helpful include:


  • Clean / streamlined GUI elements for each "sub-pane"
  • Ability to toggle on / off any of the sub-panes
  • Ability to re-sized any of the "sub-panes" as desired
  • Ability to customize how many results are included in the results view of each input / output (i.e., either by row count or size)


I'm sure there would be several more neat features a view like this could support, but these are the ones I could think of offhand. To be clear, I wouldn't want this to replace the ability to click any individual tool input / output to only view that data if desired, but rather imagined this "view" could be optionally activated / toggled on and off by double clicking on the body of a tool (or something like that). Not sure whether this is feasible or would just be too much for certain large tools / datasets, but I think it would be the bees knees - am I the only one?


Let me know if anyone has any thoughts or feedback to share!



5 - Atom

This would be very helpful if someone could work on it or tell us if this already an option which some of us are unaware of!

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes