Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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My organization is considering a move to a Microsoft Azure platform but requires support for Bring your Own Encryption (BYOE) or Bring Your Own Key (BYOK). As such, leveraging alteryx on this data lake would require this level of support.


I would like to see Alteryx support this in the future, ensuring that we are able to leverage the power of alteryx designer within this platform.

Would be great if we could right click on an input and in addition to having "convert to macro input" there was an option for "convert to dynamic input".

Please test/certify Teradata 16.2 for designer, server, scheduler, and Gallery applications.  

I would love to see a multi-output filter for cases where I want to route records to different places for processing based on the value of a single field. 


For example I want to filter each letter to a different destination:



I would love to see a single tool that can send each letter to a different destination. See the attached screenshot for a concept of what this could look like. 

After the upgrade to Alteryx 2018.4, the publish to tableau server tool no longer has the feature to get the authorization header to make subsequent calls in the workflow.This feature was present in the older versions of the tool i.e Publish to tableau server 1.09,1.08.1 but not in the new version 2.0.0

I think this feature should be present in all the versions of the publish to tableau server tool.



If you have a field length of say 10 in a Select Tool, then you use a Left Join tool and change that length to say 4. This turns that field red - as it should.  Then add a Select tool after the Union.  It should say 4 in the second Select tool.  But instead it says 10.  If it was changed to 10 (and it wasn't) then the field s/b red.

It would be great if we could change the name of a variable upstream it follows through in formulae etc.

It appears that the Marketo Input tool only is focused aroudn getting Lead oriented Objects, however since Marketo is a Marketing Automation tool, it has many more objects such as email performance, landing page performance, web activity, program performance, revenue explorer, etc. 

I'd like to vote up this idea of having marketo input connector having access to extrac data from other objects outside leads. 

Here is the latest Marketo Analytics resources that are available.  Anybody else encounter this bottleneck when trying to source the data out of Alteryx? 

I haven't needed to do this for over a year, but I just tried in 2018.4 and the functionality is not there any more 😞 


I'm trying to open an Excel file and customise the SQL used to read the data.


I've found this in other posts:


then I found this one 😞


Hopefully this feature will be re-instated soon 🙂



There this very handy functionality in Alteryx that when you drag files from a Windows explorer onto the Canvas, the tools automatically convert to Input Tools. When making Alteryx smaller using this suggestion21.PNG - button, the canvas gets minimalized to nothing. This means I cannot drag files onto the canvas. The suggestion is to always keep a little bit of canvas space here to drop files onto. Just another small QoL issue. 






Our company deals a lot in .dif, .kat, and .px7 files for importing into our softwares. Would it be possible to add these additional output types since it would save the additional step of re-saving the Excel file as a .dif.

I would be great to have a json-stat parser. There are probably ways of doing it with the JSON parser but it is appears to be a little bit tricky.
Also, it would be nice to be able to use a json-file as input in a simple manner.

When I setup an In-DB connection I need a way to select only the tables I want to see. Basically a way to favorite the most frequenently used tables and also the ability to add a description of the information that resides in that table. Use Case: Because we have so many irrelevant tables with no data dictionary in some of our databases this would save a ton of time to narrow down the tables I can select right off the bat.


I have a large dataset (~200k) of routers with the utilisation figures per month over 36 months. What I have been doing till now is using the TS Model Factory to config and TS Forecast Factory to generate the forecast for the next 6 months grouping by router. Great! Except the values returned per device are exactly the same for the next 6 months. Obviously by not using the ETS / ARIMA macros I lose the ability to configure in more detail.

What I would like is be able to set the parameters of the ETS/ARIMA model in advance then run the batch macro for the number of routers and return a 6 month forecast that takes into account all the parameters.

Happy to supply data if required!

Thanks in advance


It's been a while since I was last on these forums, and I can't find the suggestions subforum, only one massive 'Designer' forum. Hopefully I'm posting this in the correct place.


Anyway, the font colour on my Basic filter dialog dropdowns is for some reason bizarrely light and difficult to read. How do I fix this? It used to be a black font, so I'm trying to figure out what I've done wrong. It needs to be darker. Thanks



Hello Alteryx Community,


I've recently started using Alteryx and one option on the Output Data tool I think that could be useful to others and myself is the option to choose: Append to an extract file (Create if does not exist). This is similar to the already existing Overwrite existing extract file (Create if does not exist) option.


My case for this is... I'm in the situation where I'm setting up a flow that I know from the offset is going to be a repeatable flow that is designed to build up data over time and so I will be running the Output Data tools in append mode. Except for the first run, I can't append to an extract that doesn't exist! The flow in question has over around 20 Output Data tools and while it wouldn't take terribly long to reconfigure after the initial run, it is a bit tedious. I think there is scope for my proposed option for being implemented either as a standalone option or to replace the current append option.


Example of my current flow:


One of those small little annoyances that can add some extra time to development is how when you browse for a file (either with the Input Tool or Output Tool) it always defaults to the most recent location of where you either picked up a file or output a file.

Many times I have existing Input Tools or Output Tools that I simply need to repoint (meaning they already have a file location mapped to either read or write to.)  For these, it would be great if, when the user clicked to File Browse, the initial folder location displayed was the same folder where the current file is mapped to. 

Perhaps displaying the most recent folder in the file browse interface may be best suited for when a file has not been mapped yet.

The new insight tool offers some great charting abilities but it does not integrate with other reporting tools. The tool doesn't support pictures,tables or any way to pull text from the data in the workflow in. This really prevents it from being a solution to any of the my reporting needs.

When using the 'Select' tool, often many columns are deselected, making it difficult to locate the remaining selected columns.  It would save time to move deselected columns to the bottom of the ‘Select’ tool configuration after leaving the tool.  Both selected and de-selected columns should retain their incoming field order within the group.


I have a user who has a batch macro set up for processing customer records as they relate to stores. The macro loops based on the storeID. In some cases, some stores do not have customers and the user would like to have an "Exit" button so that the rest of the tools downstream won't run if no records are present and the batch macro will start over automatically with the next store.
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