Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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My client today asked if Alteryx could be configured to build/run horizontally from right to left.  Thought I'd post the idea. 

Posting this idea after searching the community postings and then submitting a question to confirm:


I could invest the time into creating a macro to do what I need, or per @MichaelF suggestion a custom formula. However, the functionality already exists in the Blob Convert tool, so I'm suggesting that Alteryx provides that existing functionality to customers in a Formula.


I checked the Conversion formulas:


And found other users talking about making a macro to do this:



Could Alteryx add a new Conversion formula to convert a field to/from HEX/Base64 formats similar to the current Code Page conversion functions?





Please evaluate the opportunity to export Alteryx workflows as xml based GraphML format in order to be able to import them in yED, the free graph editor. (

Thank you.


Please evaluate the opportunity to export Alteryx workflows in .dot format, the same file format used by graphviz (


Thank you.




It is nice that there is a sample node option for In-DB, however it isn't a random sample.  It isn't always feasible for me to stream out and use the random sample % option.  In fact on numerous occasions when I use the Data Stream Out option in DB I often times have workflows crash because it can't handle the number of records I am trying to stream out.

An independent volume control would be helpful when testing workflows and you keep getting errors it can be annoying and distracting to neighbors if they keep hearing the error PING. You may need to keep your master volume up to be able to hear incoming emails, etc.

I want my Save Setting to stick on the Browse tool when I save output.  I almost always save to Excel.  The default is to save the output as an Alteryx .yxdb.  That is useless unless I going to further slice and dice in Alteryx - which I'm not - which it why it being output to Excel to go to the end user.  Once a file type is chosen - let that file type stick for future exports as most people save there output in the same file type each time.  I find myself inadvertently saving .yxdb and then needing to resave in .xlsx.

When selecting a colour for a container I would like to be able to click randomize and let Alteryx pick the colour, however I would like the option to click 'random new colour' so it picks a colour not already used in a container on the current workflow  I should then be able to customize the transparency as per normal.

for the past 8 months I have been using alteryx and mostly working with the connect in db components , there are many issues which I am facing and i this this can be improved 

1. there is no such  flexibility of creating a table with the keys defined which is the most important pillar in database, also the options provided are limited , i.e. to create a new table , delete and append, drop table and recreate, 

now, there are many times where in we  need to update the tables based on the keys, which i find missing. Also how the option is defined is create a new table, next time if the job is run it states that the table is already created, for which we need to manually change the option in the next run.


2.which switching between in db and alteryx , if the records are more the alteryx lags completely and the job keeps running for hours , how can we achieve the flexibility  of alteryx designer if there is such bottleneck.


3.the flexibility that is provided with alteryx designer should also be given to in db components.

4.the parameters defined in the workflow can not be accessed in the in db  formula tools but can be used in the designer formula tools. this reduces the flexibility.


please look into the same

how to share Custom Tool Palette (along with Macros) with other users. 


For eg, I have created a custom tool palette named "Adhoc Analysis" with few macros; something like attached.

Now, how to make sure that all my user base can have same palette in their local alteryx designer. 


After some research, I did found that I could share macros with them by putting all relevant macros on Alteryx Server, and users could then pick the macros from there. 


Although, I wanted to suggest this as an Idea for future releases, it would be great to have an option or way, on how to share this with users in their local designer without much hassle.


Not sure, if this is something worth exploring from Alteryx development team side. But thought of suggesting to community if this could help others.   


Thanks for your help. 

Ravi Sharma

Lets say we have data for 3 different regions coming from input file/DB. Asia, LA and EMEA region data are all in one file.


After the transformation, checks which were needed, now I want to output my results per region. 

Due to user access to data, we have designed 3 different folders - one for each region.


So, Asia region output should go to --> ASIA Folder, and similarly for rest of the regions. 


Currently, there is no option to dynamically select and change the output folder path in output tool. 


It would be great to have a way to be able to choose output folder based on a field value.

We were browsing the Alteryx Gallery recently and thought it would be great if the Alteryx Gallery was in Connect, or more like Connect - with certified macros/workflows and voting ability, making it easier to find the most popular macros and how many people are using them.


PS - I didn't see either Gallery or Connect available as labels 😕

I got the requirement to read the file with same structure from different path and different sheet, so I worked and identified a way to achieve this requirement.


Step 1: List the files that are required to read from the different path and create it Excel with the file name and respective path.


Source file.JPG


Step 2 : Create batch Macro give control parameter as filepath and mention the correct template.




Step 3 : Create a workflow add source input and Map Source file i.e. list of files with path.




Finally you can see the all the data are merged together write in your output as single file. You can additional transformation if you want process any business logic further and write in output.

Note: Adding additional file name source path will be enough for additional file processing.





For example, Input Data Tool can output a list of sheets name from excel files.
Our client would like to output a list of sheets name by Google Sheets Input Tool as like excel files.

Would be nice if in Designer customer's may want to upload and reference  a " DATA DICITIONARY - METADATA REPOSITORY file when working with various input source to transform data . 

Organizations that are mature in their data governance strategy implement special software that extracts, manages and provides access to data dictionary of data assets in multiple databases such as  ERWIN to maintain schema for enterprise. 

Within DESIGNER access to a file METADATA REPOSITORY held in DESIGNER customer may easily select a list of columns  fields or attributes from that file to manipulate data elements using DESIGNER and provide all the relevant information required they wish to massage the data.

Possible Attributes that may be in data dictionary file:

Table name

Column Name

Data Type
Foreign Table


Table Description

Sensitive Data

Required Field


This might be a dumb ask, but I run into this alot. I have a workflow that has over 1000 tools and is super long. I would like to be able to to either right click and lock the connection sting so i can let go of the left click , scroll down to the tool, and then click on it to make the connection. Also, it would be nice to have the ability to right click on a tool and click a button "Connect to last used connection" as i sometimes join to the same table multiple times. Lastly, I just thought it would be cool if we can defined tools that are connected to the most so when i right click on another tool, i can open a drop down and select one of the most joined to tools, without even having to click on the original.



when parsing XML data, Alteryx does not recognise <![CDATA as being data. This type of XML file is not very common yet is still used today (by me anyway!). Their role is similar to commenting your code in some regards (for those who code).


Could it be possible to add a functionality to alteryx so that we can have it consider the data between these "tags" to be data? 







Alteryx has different behaviours for conversion errors depending on the type of conversion desired. When converting from string to date data type, a conversion error will generate a NULL value. When converting from a string to a numeric data type, a conversion error will generate 0. Why the different behaviours? There is a lack of harmony here. 0 is a valid value and should not be the generated value for a failed string to numeric conversion. It should be NULL.


When I perform data type conversions, i do not apply them directly to the source field and then cast it. If there is a conversion error, then I have lost or corrupted the source information. Rather, I create a target field with the desired data type and use a formula to apply a conversion, such as datetimeparse or tonumber. Finally, I do a comparison of the source and target values. If the datetimeparse generated a NULL then I can PROGRAMMATICALLY address it in the workflow by flagging or doing some other logic. This isn't so easy to do with numerics because of the generated 0 value. If I compare a string "arbitrary" to the generated 0 value as a string then clearly these do not match. However, if I compare a scientific value in a string to the converted numeric as a string, then these do not match though they should. My test of the conversion shows a false positive.


I want a unified and harmonised conversion behaviour. If the conversion fails, generate a NULL across the board please. If I am missing something here and people actually like conversion errors to generate 0 please let me know.



Please provide users the option of downloading course videos and transcripts. If it is already there, please let me know.




When I perform data type conversions I sometimes receive conversion errors. There is not a slick way to programmatically handle these that I am aware of. Instead, I have to manage them with half a dozen tools or really unsightly expressions in formula tools. As an example, I have a string field with a value "two" and I want to convert to a decimal or int. I receive a conversion error and the value is either "0.000" or "0". This is clearly wrong and I want to have a NULL value instead. I want to use a function to attempt the conversion in the formula tool so i can nest it inside conditionals in a cleaner fashion.

Here is a reference to the try_cast doc:



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