Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Passing Access and Secret Keys to connect to AWS S3 poses a security risk. It would be great if the Amazon Redshift Bulk Connection tool was enhanced to include an authentication option to use a Native IM group instead of keys.

Unless I'm missing the basics, I'm unable to scroll and pan during module runs.  I can zoom in and out, but not scroll or pan.
On large modules, I would love to be able to scroll to different areas to see progress/status of different key points in the process.
Guidance from the experts would be much appreciated!  Thanks!

I would like to configure/save the size of the column 'Rename' within the Select-Tool. All the time I go to another tool and come back, the column is too small and need to be changed in size manually again and again.


Example Data:          
MJE Text  Ref Fld 1 Ref Fld 2 Ref Fld 3 Date NTID
Accrual MJE Load     11/1/2019 DAVET
Fx Reval Accrual     12/2/2019 MOLLYI
    Acc   3/4/2019 BOBH
Forex Fx     CCRUAL 7/9/2019 GREGA
FASB       8/5/2019 BOT7
Tax       10/6/2019 BOT88


I want to use contains to search multiple strings and "IN" for multiple targets within the same formula. 


IF Contains(([MJE Text]+[Ref Fld 1]+[Ref Fld 2]+[Ref Fld 3) IN("Accrual","Acc","CCRUAL")) THEN "Accrual" ELSE "" ENDIF


Result would be:            
MJE Text  Ref Fld 1 Ref Fld 2 Ref Fld 3 Date NTID Group
Accrual MJE Load     11/1/2019 DAVET Accrual
Fx Reval Accrual     12/2/2019 MOLLYI Accrual
    Acc   3/4/2019 BOBH Accrual
Forex Fx     CCRUAL 7/9/2019 GREGA Accrual


Can this be developed?

It would be nice if we could right click on a Tool from the canvas and add it to Favorites from there.

When I currently hit F1 when function is highlighted within properties window it brings me to tool help - it would be helpful if it brought you to help on the function.  Or if I hover over a key word function it brings up info on it.
When starting workflow from scratch I often build functionality in disjoint containers but would like away to indicate the order of running for containers (possibly by connecting with optional arrows to indicate order of precedence).

The Install by Command Line documentation, also known as Silent Install Doc, is incomplete. Though it mentions the Predictive installer location, it does not explicitly describe how to peform the installation using the command line, nor does it mention that it is possible. According to the 2017 Alteryx Partner Certification Exam, it is indeed possible to do a silent install of the Predictive tools. Please update the documentation. Thank you. 

Would love to see the Workflow - Configuration > Runtime > Record Limit for All Inputs option extended to Dynamic Input tools.






In Excel we have the option of adding icons based on conditional formatting (example 1). It would be amazing if Alteryx had something similar (Example 2).


What are yall's thoughts?




PS. the idea label tool doesn't work very well




We need the ability to pre-populate App questions with a default value. This not only gives the user an example of what type of data string the App is looking for, but also may avoid the user from having to do anything if the default folder or file is already correct.

This would also allow for quick App testing since we can just accept the defaults and not have to load up a yxwv file every single time.

ArcPy/Python, ESRI Modelbuilder, PyQGIS can all do this (heck, even MapBasic can do it!) - there's no doubt it's more convenient for the designer and end user.




It will be great if we have a round down or round up function just like excel in Alteryx. I know we can use the left function after converting the number to string, but it becomes difficult when the decimal value is huge.

It seems that I'm unable to use my mouse wheel to scroll through or "Control + A" to select all in the "Table or Query" field of the "Connect In-DB" tool.  I have to click the top of it and drag down the text to highlight it all.

For Snowflake Bulk loading only AWS S3 is supported.  ODBC works but has slower performance.  Adding the Google Cloud Storage option would allow more customers to use this feature.

In my environment, creating tables with fields in a particular order is a requirement.

The Select tool (and others) let me manually change sort orders. The Select tool will also allow me to sort on Field Name in Ascending or Descending order.

I can add a sort order prefix to my input data with the Dynamic Rename tool, connect a Select tool and then go into the Select tool properties to sort by Field Name. But this requires that I first run the module so that the Select tool knows what the incoming fields are called, then set up the Select tool properties, and then rerun the module. If I change the prefixes or the list of incoming variables, the Select tool has to be reconfigured.

It would be really nice if there was a Field Sort tool that only had Ascending or Descending as properties that would 'dynamically' do what the Sort on Field Name option in the Select tool does.

It would be great if in the metadata we can have example of data inside



While working with Predictive models, I got confronted with this situation: 







The highlighted traces are linked to the box even though you click on an anchor.

It'd be much simpler to trace this spaghetti if, when we select an anchor, only what is connected to it stay highlighted.


IDEA: Click on the box, keep all output visible in blue, click on an anchor, anchor's output is visible in blue, the rest remains in black.


Like this:


(Drafted with powerpoint, not the best representation)

To measure the computational complexity of an Alteryx workflow, you need a unit of measure. Because the execution time depends on hardware performance, execution time is not suitable for comparison on different PC's. I temporarily named this to Alteryx Calculation Score (ACS).


ACS is useful for:
1. For troubleshooting purposes, I want to compare my workflow ACS and execution time between my PC and another PC. If the workflow overflow PC's memory, ACS is same but execution time goes worse.
2. I would like to compare the workflow ACS for Weekly Challenge with other people's workflows.
3. When you want to choose the suitable Alteryx tool for your purpose, ACS will be good guide.


ACS is roughly proportional to execution time without DISK and network I / O. Each Alteryx tool has a fixed ACS value because its computational cost depends on the data and settings.


I believe ACS will improve the performance of Alteryx and its workflow.

Our team works with a lot of in-house transaction data sets that have been put into a calgary database.  It would be much easier to build apps that use the calgary input tool without having to configure html code.

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