Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Currently in Result window we have datacleanse, fileter and sort functionality which makes life easier.


We dont have column Rename and Data type change functionality. In order to do that we need to drag a tool for the same for Rename of column.





Result Tool should be capable enough to Rename column and Data type.


It will save a lot of time ,


On the SELECT object - add a column "Value if Null".  This would work like a COALESCE in SQL.  For string fields, an empty string or "" would need to be an available option.

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Debugging could be dramatically simplified if each canvas object had the ability to be disabled/enabled.  If disabled, the workflow would still pass through the object, but the object itself would be ignored.

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Prezados espero que estejam bem.


Gostaria de sugerir um aprimoramento para os erros comuns de conhecimento do Alteryx.


Quando rodamos o fluxo de trabalho e ao final algum erro é sinalizado no histórico, normalmente, não é possível entender ao certo o que precisa ser corrigido para sanar o problema.


A susgestão está em transformar o erro que é sinalizado no histórico, em link para que a pessoa clique no erro e seja direcionado para alguma documentação dentro do forum ou documentação, e que facilite a solução do problema para o usuário. Algo parecido com o que ocorre com os exemplos que existem da possibilidade de uso das ferramentas.


Obrigado e abraços


Thiago Tanaka

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Performance profiles work at the tool level. When I want to evaluate the performance of a group of tools, I have to click on them one at a time, log the performance, and calculate manually. I want to be able to click on a container full of tools or lasso some myself and view the granular and subtotaled performance profile.


There have been requests for "parts of this request" - but not all in one task.  Would like to have a "Deploy", "Cleanse", "Align", or "Scrub" tool. 


When added to a workflow it would remove all fields that were developer remnants from changing source objects, joins, etc.  Any field that is no longer is the source objects feeding it - would be deleted.



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Please add undo or the option delete an added field when adding a file that has fixed width columns. If I select one position wrong, I have to start from scratch. This is not ideal. 

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Either as part of the Alteryx Easter Eggs (found in  Help>About) or as part of the canvas,  we should have an ability to enter the Konami code and see magic on the screen.  The workflow moves, Space bends, something creative.





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Let's be honest here, almost no one add new tools from the right click menu. And few people use the Recommended tab. However, if those two are combined so the recommended tools will appear with a right click and then just one  click away to add the tool, it'd improve by a lot the user experience and make development faster.  

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I love the macro indicator. It is not obtrusive and over the top. Can I have something similar for tools that are available to be cached? I don't want to hunt and right-click on tools to see if the cache option is greyed out of the context menu. Please just put a wedge or some other shape on the tools that can be cached.


Alteryx to develop for the people who are Disable under American with Disability Act.

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Hi Team,


I have searched through the ideas board but couldn't find one relating to my current request so here's hoping that this can be implemented in future releases.

I have been playing around with Knime and find one feature very useful that you could build in.  Knime use the concept of a metanode, where you can collapse a bunch of tools (nodes in Knimespeak) into one single node and I believe that this can be a very useful feature.  For example, in some of my workflows, where I text mine using regex, (depending on the circumstance), I will have a bunch of regex tools to parse one string (see screen grab below).  In such instances, it would be great if all the regex tools can be collapsed into one meta-tool.


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I have a workflow that outputs to several files at once. If one of those files is open, an error is returned (of course).


It would be really great if Alteryx could still save any failed files down into a different folder or with a different name such as V2. 



If you've ever had a massive workflow with many ins, outs, and tons of tools in-between, then you may have wanted to run just portions of the workflow for testing/development/troubleshooting. I know I have. I have a workflow that normally takes many hours to run in Designer due to the massive data volume. I was only interested in tracing a bug in one specific output and found myself deleting tools here and then, piecemeal, until I could be certain that only unrelated branches and tools were gone. I then ran the workflow and found the issue in less time. What I would have liked to have done is to right-click on the output tool and select from the context menu an option to "Disable unrelated" or even "Delete unrelated". I want to delete any tool that does not directly feed data into that output through any and all branches including Joins, Unions, etc. The same options should apply to right-clicking on any tool. Thank you.

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Provide Desktop Automation with Workflow REST API to have the ability to start workflows from other corporate systems without expensive Server license in a small environment.


Can we have a comparison tool in Alteryx as we have in Adobe Pro for PDF comparison.


It will be of a great help to multiple people across globe.

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When I bring up the quick menu (right-click) on a tool, under Zoom it lists all the tools to be able to go to quickly. What would be nice to see is a section of connected tools which would show which tools are connected to the tool you just right-clicked on.

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Hi Team,


It will be great to have a replace all functionality in Alteryx. There are times when we have to change the paths/ field references etc in formulas for a basic WF. The replace all functionality will help replace references in a go.

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See this community link for context:



An option to clear the In-DB File History is not available in the Designer's GUI. If this feature is required, it's recommended to open an Idea on the Alteryx Community to submit an enhancement request.


Please implement this as an idea; I need to clear some In-DB connections that are no longer valid and in a managed environment, accessing the registry is laughable.


Thank you!


Designer only shows the current log during execution or the most recently executed log in the wf results pane. Please add a button underneath the hamburger menu that allows the user to see all of the logs of this wf executed during this session, or, even better, associated with this wf for all time. Please.

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