Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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So many times, a given source field name could change. If you have a complex workflow it can be time consuming to update various join, select and other tools to replace the old field name with the new field name. For example in sales you may have fields that include the year  "Sales_2020".


It would be nice to "mimic" the functionality that Tableau provides where you can somehow click/select a field (e.g. Sales_2020) and then select "Replace Reference" and select the new field you want to use instead (e.g Sales_2021). This functionality would then automatically carry through the entire workflow and wherever you used Sales_2020 you will now automatically use Sales_2021.


Thoughts on this?

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I would like to lasso or select multiple tools and have a count of selected tools. Perhaps this count could be in a tool tip or somewhere else.

I was looking at the ideas history to see if this was already posted and couldn't find it, but feel free to merge if there is a existing one.


The motivation for this is that I have a workflow that works perfectly when you hit the run button in Designer, but fails when runs from schedule (To local computer).


So the idea is to allow the users to run the workflows from within the scheduler, once a workflow has been scheduled (So it runs exactly as it'll be when the schedule triggers it, but without having to reschedule every time).




Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this possible in old (I mean very old)  versions of Designer?




This may be a bit of a pipe dream but having an interface that would automatically and efficiently implement quantum computing functionality against different back ends would position Alteryx to be a user friendly interface to the quantum computing realm. My feeling is that, at the end of the day, most people will know quantum programming about as well as they currently know GPU programming, which is to say not at all. They'll need an easy-to-use tool to translate their wants to some form of quantum speed-up. Q#, Qiskit, Cirq and Bra-ket are neat, but suppose Alteryx had a "quantum solver" tool that would handle a lot of the dirty work of setting up, say, a quantum Grover Search, where the user just describes what they need.


I know some of the heavy hitters are already trying to simplify the interface to the quantum realm (e.g. as of 1/1/2021: Google CirqMicrosoft Q#IBM Aqua, AWS Braket all moving beyond basic enablement into realms of user friendliness.)


Just a thought!



Essentially my idea is to add a connection similar to an optional Macro Control Parameter to the standard Input and Output tools that would respond to a basic formula result like "True" / "False" so that we can conditionally toggle on and off the Import and Export Tool itself within a workflow. This would solve the Alteryx problem of conditionally disabling Inputs and Outputs to avoid output errors, avoid input / output timing errors under different record # loads or when no data is present in a given routing configuration, add a ton more flexibility for complex workflows and reduce runtimes.


Ideally this approach could also be used for entire containers to actually disable all of the contained Inputs/Outputs at once within a standard non-macro workbook.

#Deployment #LargeScale #CleanCode #BareBonesCode


Request to add and option to strip out all unnecessary text within a Workflow / Gallery App when deploying to the Alteryx Server to be scheduled or used as a Gallery App.   Run at file location still causes the reading of unnecessary information across the network.  


Often the workflows are bloated with un-used meta data that at a small scale is not an issue, but with scale... all the additional bloat (kBs to MBs in size) - sent from the controller to the worker does impact the server environment.


The impact explodes when leveraging the Alteryx API to launch the same job over and over with different parameters - all the non-useful information in the workflow is always sent to the various workers to handle each one of these jobs.


Even having a "compiled" version of the workflow could be a great solution. #CompiledCode


Attached is a simple workflow that shows how bloated the workflows can become.


I appreciate your consideration.


Hi there,

I was hoping that there could be an update to track changes in workflows more dynamically like on other coding and saving platforms such as git and java. There are systems that will highlight an area where a change has been made from one version to another. This would be very beneficial for users that use the alteryx server to be able to load any historical workflow and when it opens in the canvas, lets say a macro has been changed from one version to the other, that macro would glow red to know there was a change here so coders can see what was changed if there is now an error or if they are not completely sure what was changed without just relying on comments.




It really would be great if Alteryx supports the 'set' data type.


I often have situations where I really wish I could make a field with a data type of "set".

For example, I have a table of pets owned by each person.

The "Pets" Field would be perfect if it could be processed as a "set" type.


JohnDog, Cat


(I sort the pet values in alphabetical order, and concatenate the string values using the summarize tool. This is the best I could think of)


Hi Team,


I have an idea where we can use Alteryx to build a virtual Assistant. As we are currently using Intelligent suite extract information through pdfs. Now we can connect the VA and Intelligent suite to offer a complete product.


Please let us know your views,




My idea is that the current Download tool does not handle errors and continues its path even if it does not find for example a file in the transmitted URL or if it does not find the hostname it crashes.


In the case of a user with several URLs in a row, this is penalizing.

In the case of downloading files with recording, it still writes a file (thus overwriting the existing file) but which is not openable and is not in the correct format. (BLOCKED file!) Which then causes problems in workflows reading these files.


The idea would be to put a second output to this tool for all the URLs where there was a problem (non-existent hostname, file not found, HTTP KO) and one where it received the expected elements so as not to prejudice the processing. and allow better management of error cases.




It would be really great to have Dynamic Detour tool where you could specify the detour direction as an input to the tool rather than an imbedded control.


This would allow workflow branching.


Using a filter for this passes a dataset with no rows in it which causes dynamic in-db or dynamic input tools to error.

Sometimes I will get the error "You have found a bug".  Could this include a link to a stack trace, or some diagnostics that might allow us to see what the problem is?  Or suggestions to turn on logging, perhaps? 


I understand that new users do not want to see stack traces, but Alteryx is a serious business tool and it should give users a chance to find workarounds, but for that we need more diagnostics.

When viewing results of a workflow that has Errors, could we add External error resolution data if the user clicks on the error message?  Like browse everywhere it could lookup the error in help and in community posts.  




Currently, if you download and Alteryx package from an alternative version it doesn't allow import into a newer version.



Workflows allow this with a warning it would be good to allow it on packages too. 

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