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After used the new "Image Recognition Tool" a few days, I think you could improve it :
> by adding the dimensional constraints in front of each of the pre-trained models,
> by adding a true tool to divide the training data correctly (in order to have an equivalent number of images for each of the labels)
> at least, allow the tool to use black & white images (I wanted to test it on the MNIST, but the tool tells me that it necessarily needs RGB images) ?
Question : do you in the future allow the user to choose between CPU or GPU usage ?
In any case, thank you again for this new tool, it is certainly perfectible, but very simple to use, and I sincerely think that it will allow a greater number of people to understand the many use cases made possible thanks to image recognition.
Thank you again
Kévin VANCAPPEL (France ;-))
Thank you again.
I would like to suggest that right-click on the tab allows the user the ability to EDIT the workflow name/path and save updates by use of an ENTER key press.
My Backstory:
I am currently what you would call an "independent" data analyst. I currently work for a major US based bank and I am trying to change roles to a data analytics role within said company. Many of our data analytics teams use (or are migrating to) Alteryx. I myself love the program. I have now attained the Core certification. As I have yet to be hired as a data analyst I am currently independently learning and building skills...but as of right now, it seems that data analytics is more of a hobby.
I think there are a lot of people out there who are in my shoes. They are either migrating to a data analytics role or are a former analyst just wanting to keep doing what they like doing or are freelancers. Alteryx is an amazing tool. But, the big issue is that we can get the free cert/license...but after a time...we will lose access at some point. Unless we find an employer who can purchase the license for us.
How it Effects the parties involved:
As stated above, I love Alteryx. I would absolutely love to continue using it. But, I am not in a place right now where my company is considering me for a data analytics role. I also barely make enough to survive and would probably take me a lifetime to raise the funds for a full license on my own. In the end, if i were to never get a data analytics role with my current employer or new employer that would be able to give me access...I would have to seriously think about abandoning the Alteryx system as a tool as I cannot spend $5000 on a what is currently a hobby. After my learners license time is up...what do I do?
Now as for how it effects Alteryx...I would think that having people chose whether to use the software or not use the software because of financials wouldn't be the best option for business.
A Possible Fix:
A monthly subscription license. You could have a lite version where the advanced tools are not usable. Maybe even make a tiered subscription model. For example, a Core subscription that has the core learner tools and maybe some of the other tools that would allow someone to do basic analysis. Then a more advanced tier with more tools for a higher monthly rate. And so on...
This would allow people such as myself the ability to continue to use Alteryx...and spread the good word about it to others. It would also allow people to continue to truly master the software. I imagine this could also make Alteryx more of a name brand within the data community...and bring it to the attention of other corporations who would then have a user base coming into the company WITH the more advanced skills to use the system built-in. Rather than a company adopting software that they then have to train the users and going thru the growing pains of that. Again, we would-be-monthly-subscribers wouldn't need all the fancy tools.
To wrap it all up, I love Alteryx. I wish I was able to continue using it. But, as I near my learner license end date, I have to think: how am I going to continue? Do I just hope and pray I eventually find a department/company who will let me back into the cool kids club? Do I look for something similar and move away from this simply because I have access?
I appreciate you taking the time to hear me out. 😀
The chart tool is really nice to create quick graphics efficiently, especially when using a batch macro, but the biggest problem I have with it is the inability to replace the legend icon (the squiggle line) with just a square or circle to represent the color of the line. The squiggly line is confusing and I think the legend would look crisper with a solid square, or circle, or even a customized icon!
Thank You!!!!
Some of the predictive tools put out a "Score" field when output is run through the scoring tool, and some put out a "Score_1" and/or "Score_0". Since I frequently reuse the same workflow template for different predictive model types, it would be nice if they were consistent so that I wouldn't have to crash the workflow the first time through to get the input field names correct for downstream tools (e.g., Sort). Thank you
The default variable size is a V_WSTRING of size 1073741823. If no one catches this, it uses up the memory on the server. Could the default be smaller?
Wouldn't it be great to be able to pick results from a drop down, based on the up-stream tools in the workflow? I had this situation many times, where I had to create a complex, chained app, just because the tools connected to the interface can't run before the interface tools are displayed to the end user.
For example, imagine an app, that based on what column it sees, it lets you drop one by just picking it from a drop down. It would open many development opportunities, and decrease the number of chained apps we need to build.
I have long and large workflows, IMO, that are getting difficult to follow. I'd like the ability to highlight the joins and set specific colors or at the very least highlight and toggle on/off highlights. I'd also like to be able to move my joins and so they are not curving all over the canvas.
Idea to have the option to include the workflow "meta info" (last tab of the workflow configuration when clicking on the cavas) when printing the workflow.
The Meta Info desciption and author sections would be particularly of value. Currently on the long file name is embedded in the header.
Add the ability in the select records tool to use formulas not just record numbers.
Many of today's APIs, like MS Graph, won't or can't return more than a few hundred rows of JSON data. Usually, the metadata returned will include a complete URL for the NEXT set of data.
Example:$count=true&$top=999&$filter=(startswith(operatingSystem,'W...') or startswith(operatingSystem,'Mac')) and (approximateLastSignInDateTime ge 2022-09-25T12:00:00Z)
This will require that the "Encode URL" checkbox in the download tool be checked, and the metadata "nextLevel" output will have the same URL plus a $skiptoken=xxxxx value. That "nextLevel" url is what you need to get the next set of rows.
The only way to do this effectively is an Iterative Macro .
Now, your download tool is "encode URL" checked, BUT the next url in the metadata is already URL Encoded . . . so it will break, badly, when using the nextLevel metadata value as the iterative item.
So, long story short, we need to DECODE the url in the nextLevel metadata before it reaches the Iterative Output point . . . but no such tool exists.
I've made a little macro to decode a url, but I am no expert. Running the url through a Find Replace tool against a table of ASCII replacements pulled from probably isn't a good answer.
We need a proper tool from Alteryx!
Someone suggested I use the Formula UrlEncode ability . . .
Unfortunately, the Formula UrlEncode does NOT work. It encodes things based upon a straight ASCII conversion table, and therefore it encodes things like ? and $ when it should not. Whoever is responsible for that code in the formula tool needs to re-visit it.
Base URL:$count=true&$top=999&$filter=(startswith(operatingSystem,'W...') or startswith(operatingSystem,'Mac')) and (approximateLastSignInDateTime ge 2022-09-25T12:00:00Z)
Correct Encoding:
Similar to the Formula Tool how it shows an example based on the first record. Could the Filter Tool have a example based on the first record showing how the formula in the filter would handle that record? It would either show in an example field for the true sample or false sample based on the criteria. I feel this would be very useful for more complex formulas such as AND/OR.
Filter Formula: [Count] <= 1
True Sample: [Blank]
False Sample: 4 (Value of first record which was filtered from [Count])
Currently, the Parse Address tool cannot parse a field where the entire address, including so-called "last line" information (city/state/zip), is in all in the same field - it can only parse a street address contained in one field and last line information contained in a second field. Can this tool be enhanced so that it can parse a full address in a single field?
Need a tool that can remove nulls in 2 ways:
1. Remove rows with null values
2. Remove columns with null values
Save/Load Unique Key Tool Configuration – similar to saving/loading other tools configs (ie: select, join, append, etc)
For the summary tool, allow for the field data definition type of the output.
I would like to Alteyx making a New Warning(Int type)
If a decimal point occurs during division of Int type data, the digits are truncated.
1/3 = 0.333333, but
If it is of type Int, it will be displayed as 0.
I know that the Int type is defined as an integer, but
I would like to Alteryx making a warning if the operation does not result in an integer.
Then we should be able to detect errors.
Currently if we have to read multiple files though dynamic input, most of the times the files error out due to Schema error and we have to create a batch macro, if there is an option added wherein by right clicking dynamic input it gives and option to create batch macro, a simple batch macro with control parameter, Input tool and macro-output, this will save time in recreating the macro every time
Hi, I would like to suggest to have subtitles for interactive videos.
As there are many non-native speakers whose 1st language is not english, including me, I feel the video accent pace is sometimes too fast . Having sometimes helps to understand the content better without needing to pause multiple times if pace of the talk seems fast.
Please help incorporate these as I believe as it would benefit many learners.
I hope the addition is not too complex.
Thank you for consideration
In all its simplicity, I would like to be able to group by Month based of dates:
To acieve something like this: