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This is an edge case in which I have two back to back Union tools. I want to Delete and Connect Around on the first one. All of the inputs into that Union will flow into the next Union tool. Delete and Connect Around is not available from the context menu for any tool with multiple inputs. See the image for more clarification.







When I use the PCA tool, I run it with 2 PCs, then look at the results output to choose my principal components, and re-run it with the actual number of PCs that I need. I use the loadings and variance data quite a lot - it would be great to be able to output the loadings, variance, and also the scaled variables as data to work with in Alteryx, rather than just browse it in the report.




I have modified the PCA tool to do this myself, but I find I need to do this with each upgrade just in case anything has changed in the tool. I'd love it if the report summary data and scaled data was available as an output!


For reference, my amended version is available here:




Here is an idea I think it would help with documenting any process using the container tool. Currently, with each of the tool, user can use the default annotation or add his or her own annotation to help explaining each step in a process. The annotation on each tool can be set to be hidden (never show) when there are high number of tools are present.  This is when the container tool can be used to organized tools. This idea is similar in scope with the two ideas below but I want to push it a little further beyond the current available features described in https://help.alteryx.com/2019.3/ToolContainer.htm


The idea is to have the container tool summarize all the annotations from tools within a container as its own.  This way, you will have the full documentation of the combined process within the container, and container of containers.  This feature can either be the option to view or to export from the pop up window. 







When using the Select Tool or the Join Tool and adding data from multiple data sources, I would love to see an option to color code a data field to match the data source it was derived from.  It would make it much easier to determine you are selecting the correct data field later in a workflow, especially when the multiple data sources have the same data field names.


Linear Regression Tool errors out with my data set if I sample more than 1 in every 31 cases. The sample size error-out is very consistent, despite the fact that different R error messages filter up with different runs. Support recommended small sample for the predictive tool then submit all data to Score. That's backwards of my need, which is to submit detail data to the predictive tool to create as precise a model as possible then apply that model to predicting a smaller set of future case outcomes. 


I used version 2019.4.8.22007. My full data set had 15.46 million rows, and one string field (which is necessary) accounts for the majority of predictors submitted to the model. I ran it from the Desktop version. The PC had 64 GB RAM and I even changed the default Virtual Memory settings in hopes that'd help.


The Join tool is one of the most used in the Community. After delivering some training for new users (Not technical) I see that it's difficult for them understands some some Joins, specially when the relationship between  the Sources it's not 1:1.


So I propose to show the Summary visually, extending the Browse current information:


- List of Left Fields Joined / Excluded

- List of Right Fields Joined / Excluded


Also It should be convenient a tool to analyze the potential relationship between the sources, to be used previous to Join...




When I use Alteryx with Git, I experience a strange bug. I have a workflow with a batch macro inside and the macro questions are mapped to fields. When I save and commit the workflow, the macro questions are not mapped for anyone else who opens that version. Every time that workflow is opened after a commit, we have to map the macro questions. Why does this happen and how can we resolve it? Thank you.


As the titles says, the move up/move down buttons from the select tool or a similar logic are not available yet.

It would come in handy to have this option when creating apps.


I would like to be able to have the Map Tool to change the Reference Base Map to Tom Tom CA if there is a Country column in the incoming data stream that reads "CAN".  Or change the Expand Extent from the default 10(%) to the number that's in a column called "Extent".


Right now I can only do it using the Macro interface tool, but I still have to make my selection after I select which data point(s) I'm using.


I want it to generate specific-format maps based on the input data I provide, so it could run automatically.


I guess, aside from the Spatial Field, Grouping Field, Thematic Field, and Label Fields, I'd love a Configurations Field(s).



For example, allowing the letters in front of the column titles to be formatted differently to make them stand out on a report. 


When using the equal sum option in the Tile tool, you have the choice to sort by a column. However, it's not clear from the tool whether the data is being sorted in ascending or descending order.


Confusingly, the data is sorted in descending order, compared to the default of ascending in the Sort tool. This seems counterintuitive, as a user would expect the same defaults across tools (we did! and it caused some consternation when we worked out it wasn't) and also because in most of our use cases, you want the highest tile to be the highest rank, e.g., if you were sorting households by income.


I have two possible suggestions:

     1. Update the tool properties so that it reads "Sort column (descending)". (Probably the easiest change!)

     2. Allow the user to specify a direction with another drop down that becomes active when you select a sort field (similar to the sort tool).


I know that the functionality of suggestion 2 is available by adding a Sort tool before the Tile and sorting the data in ascending order. However, having to do that every time seems to defeat the point of being able to sort in the Tile tool.


Thanks for reading!



Standard Tile configuration:



Option 1 (mock-up):



Option 2 (mock-up):




I would love to see an optional output anker for the render tool.


This would allow us to push a pdf/png into the python module. We could then build twitter/social media 'add ons' using python and fully automize the process.



I'm from Denmark, and like several other european countries we use commas instead of dot as decimal seperator. And we use dot as thousand seperator.

So if im working in a flow with loads of price fields, lets say cost price, amount per unit, amount and amount including vat i need to do a multi field replace. Else I dont get the output i can work with in excel or other programs.

So it would be great beeing able to set seperators on a flow level, like you can in excel when importing.

Beeing able to set a date format on a flow level.
Lets say my input data is 12.12.2019 and i need 2019-12-12 in my output. If i work with several different date fields i need to use several datetime fields.
Alternate could be a multi field datetime ? 


Having a search function when using the select ? And maybe a numbers order.

So if i scroll down, i could enter 3 - which means this would now be my 3. shown field? 


A great feature would be for CASS to provide the address type as Residential or Business.  Better yet, further breakdown of address type into single-family, apartment, retail, office, commercial, warehouse, etc.  This would be very beneficial when analyzing address data from the Tom Tom Address Points Calgary database and can allow a end-user to filter prioritize addresses in their analysis based on the type of address.


Hi Team,


For a small workflow the current setup is okay to handle but with big workflow where input file count comes 25 at multiple locations then it is difficult to check every input.


The idea is: There should be some mechanism to check input/output before running the complete workflow 


  • If any of the input file is locked then ask user to continue or not
  • If any output file is locked then ask user to continue or not
  • Or above this message can be combined together

Once this done the workflow can do further processing.


From my experience, this will help to improve work process and time to fix the issue.


Ashis Sanpui


I use the same 2 saved expressions across 58 workflows (and growing).

I'd like to know that I am using the universal expressions, so that I know that it is the latest version and that I am not missing an update.


Is there somewhere on the Configuration panel that can show the name of the expression in use?





It would be great to have the option in the Join tool to "Delete duplicate fields from Left input" and same for "Right input". the field might have the same name, but the data in them might be different.


R has a very large number of useful packages and examples.  Often, we only need a few lines of R code.  However, integrating that with the data flow in Alteryx can be complex.  It would be ideal if there was a tool where you could drop in R code, and have the tool create named inputs and outputs for each variable in the R code, and create blank text documents or YXDBs with the correct column names and variable types.  This seems like it could be automated, and would eliminate a lot of trial and error in using small pieces of R code for specialty tasks.




It would be very useful if I could delete/remove fields while using the tool Join - manual configure fields directly instead of adding a "Select" tool next.




It would be very useful for me If I could consolidate in the same output two different inputs: 1- the whole output flow; 2- The summarize from the output. That would save some time from doing pivot table analysis for instance. 



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