Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Using Render tool to create an excel document. 

(This is for a specific use case)


If you are using the RENDER tool to create one or more EXCEL documents.  Ensure that you are NOT explicitly stating the Sheet name in the file name.  (Output file or 'Replacing entire Path with Group).


If you explicitly name the sheet, it will throw an inboundPipe error.  

Remove the sheet name, and it should work fine. 



Can you look at improving the table tool? something to look at:

  1.  background/alternate color off or none so we don't have any fill color in Excel
  2. Table header alignment option vertical AND horizontal - different from row alignment.
  3. make it dynamic for rules - so if _currentfieldname contains 'percent' then back ground color =yellow, if contains 'Rank' then green etc. Split between header & data. I know it could be accomplished with a macro and xml but that's a tedious process and having it in the tool just makes sense.





When testing I often need to check single (or a handful of numbers) throughout the workflow. I have to click on each browse to check the numbers. A tool that rendered the output of multiple fields throughout the workflow would allow me to check if I was dropping any rows or miscalculating at a glance.


For instance if at the beginning of a workflow the row count was 15,951 and the cohort size was 328. Also the sum of profit for the cohort was £1,934,402 and the count of sales was 1,584. Remember those? Not if you have to click on the browse tool multiple times all the way through a large workflow to make sure you keep these figures intact. Copying out into excel or popping out the data from browse are the only options, each fiddly when trying to alter things quickly.


A resizable output window such as the explorer window would uber-useful.



Issue: Even though the Send Email event is configured for the After Run Without Errors setting in the Workflow Configuration it still sends an email when the execution of workflow is cancelled. I think only the Before Run event should be allowed to trigger in this case.

App: Alteryx Designer x64

Workflow Configuration ErrorWorkflow Configuration Error

Email ScreenshotEmail Screenshot

It would be very helpful to have hidden/interactive labels that can be utilized for an Report Map that only appear when the user is hovering over a specific part of the map. For example they only want to see the sales numbers for California, but do want to change the map. It probably makes the most sense to have this available for the HTML Report Maps. This would allow the report map to not look too crowded with labels, but still have the labels available if the user is interested in a particular part of the map. Is this something that can eventually be added to the report map tool?

Like the ability to create data tables for reporting purposes, makes life a lot easier.  I would like to suggest the ability to be able to define the height of each row in the table.  There is a lot of wasted space between the rows and becomes challenging when you are trying to work with getting everything on one page or keeping the table contained within a box on the report.
I'd like to see some added configuration in the Chart tool to allow more space for the chart legend so that the names of elements don't have to be truncated.  The only way to eliminate truncation right now is to decrease the font size and/or increase the width of the table which also in effect reduces the font size.  This is specifically an issue in "Stacked Column" or similar charts.

The Table tool does not allow renaming a field so that it breaks at a specific point.

Fields like "H.S. Dropouts Non-Hispanic" and "H.S. Dropouts Whites" need a forced break after Dropouts.


Now we get random breaks like


H.S. Dropouts



H.S. Dropouts White


The Rename Field function in the Basic Table tool would be a great place to allow forced breaks.




Alteryx currently shows 100% in the profiling of spatial fields in the results window, regardless of if there are rows with missing spatial features. I opened a ticket about this & was told it is expected behavior.


Therefore, I submit the idea that the profiling for spatial fields should give an accurate profile of the field, & if there are nulls in the field, it should identify that column isn't 100% OK and show the % of records that have null values, like the profiling does for every other column in workflows.












Thank you!


This error may be encountered and replicated when you are using an image in the reporting "Header" tool where the path contains an "&". Yes this is rare, but possible and sometimes you want to keep the path, but can't update the path name. If you select the image in a path with an "&", then you'll get an error similar to the following:


Error: Report Header (36): The Action "Update Image Tool" has an error: ParseError: Unterminated entity reference, 'D' at line 2 and column 19
while processing "Action_UpdateRawXml"


A discussion began in 2016 on this topic:
Solved: Insert Image in Report Header: ParseError: Untermi... - Alteryx Community


So while first and last make sense concat will crash the system. Here's a screen grab... Designer really doesn't like crosstab reporting tools set (accidentally) to concatenate 3 macros deep in a workflow. Just crashed 3 times before I tracked down the error on my system.2021-07-22.png


In Interactive Charts, the only way to get user-defined input (other than automatic axis names etc.) into the chart is to add an additional column to the data which has the same content in each row and to use a batch chart.

I have two suggestions to this point:

  1. I would like to allow access to global Alteryx variables in any Chart text, such as "The path is [Engine.TempFilePath]". This should also work for non-batched charts.
  2. The current way of referring to columns in batch data is a bit odd and inconsistent to other tools. You have to type in "$" and get a list of available columns. After selecting, the dynamic test appears like static text in the configuration: If you type in "The column name is $column", you see "The column name is column" afterwards. That's quite confusing. My suggestion is to use the same nomenclature as elsewhere in Alteryx: Type in the text in brackets: "The column name is [column]". That way it would be as usual.

I would like to get a full legend overlay when hovering over the bubble (see example in power BI).






 Hi Team,


I have a dataset of x,y values that I am plotting with an interactive chart tool. These values will vary widely so I can't use custom display ranges and have to rely on the "Auto" function for display range.


My problem is that the two axis are Auto scaled to different scaling and it is turning all my ellipse shapes into circles. Not a huge setback as you can check the Axis labels to see the scale but for this use case the shape of the data is what I am trying to portray and this makes my reports somewhat misleading.


I'm suggesting adding an option, maybe a tick box, under the interactive chart's "Auto" config that would allow both Axis to be scaled the same amount (That of the highest value).





Currently users have the option of outputting to a PNG image but currently can only use Inches to get the size set. I want to be able to output with a pixel size not in inches. 




I get the following message when running a macro with the Render tool inside

" Alteryx ppt testing1 (162) Tool #26: You have found a bug. Replicate, then let us know. We shall fix it soon."


I believe this happens when there is multiple line breaks next to each other and trying to put this into the render tool outputting to powerpoint within a table.I have the formula for updating the line breaks "Replace([Layout],"&lt;br /&gt;","<br />")" which works when there aren't very many line breaks but now I have integrated Python to regex out HTML the Render tool has stopped working


The ability to create, modify and enhance interactive chart types through custom plotly code in either R or Python.  This would allow new style of visualisation to be created and shared with other authors.


Migrate old R based charts and create new statistical charts in the interactive chart tool to provide enhanced statistical charting and visual data exploration capabilities.


This includes:

  • Error Bars
  • Distribution Plots
  • 2D Histograms
  • Scatterplot Matrix
  • Facet & Trellis Plots
  • Tree Plots
  • Violin Plots
  • Heatmaps
  • Log Plots
  • Parallel Coordinates Plot

This these URLs for more examples:


Current insight tool can create dashboard but can not display content by user access control, for example: one insight dashboard has whole country's sales number. Would you please add an function to let different region's sales only see their own region data when log into this dashboard ? 




I am relatively new to Alteryx, but to my knowledge it does not seem like you are able to create aggregate data alerts that link two data columns to each other.


My suggestion is the following: Enable Alteryx to create a data alert so if you are creating a warehouse overview (as an example) you can set an alert whenever the quantity of an item is equal to its minimum stock


Alert when: Quantity = Minimum stock


Thus, whenever your quantity is reaching a critical level, you would receive an alert either through Alteryx, in Tableau (which I use to mediate my Alteryx data) or by email.

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