Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Write Alteryx field descriptions to database field comments

I feel like I must be missing something, but saw a similar suggestion for TDE outputs, so maybe this really doesn't currently exist. We sometimes add descriptions to fields we create, and some inputs come with descriptions, but we can't seem to get them into the final database using the Output tool. Can there be a checkbox to persist the metadata along with the data when writing to a database?

5 - Atom

This is a great idea. Hopefully Alteryx is able to implement in the near future.

13 - Pulsar


this even should be an option in output AND in input. I would like to get the excel comment or the SQL comment in my field description. This would be a great difference with the other products.

8 - Asteroid

Since 11/19/2018 the near future is now in the past... Is this available in version 2019.2 ?

8 - Asteroid

This would be a great feature and something our team is looking for. It will add value to Connect customer as well. 

8 - Asteroid
8 - Asteroid

We could also use this functionality!

7 - Meteor

Our company could really use this. We're trying to address the question of how to document the flow of data. We're trying to use Alteryx Connect and we're having some success but it would be an amazing product addition to have a throughline of pulling the column descriptions from the SQL, brought into Alteryx Designer and then either outputted to a DB or Tableau and have that information populate in Alteryx Connect as well. 

5 - Atom

Also a feature we would really like to see!

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes