Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Working with Alteryx on multiple screens

At work I use a laptop and two external monitors. (L, EX1, EX2) <- that's how it's set up


When working in Alteryx I put my main window of Alteryx on EX1 and Results/Configuration tab on EX2


Sometimes I need to unplug my laptop, go to the meeting - or, what I have been doing lately, go to one of the meeting rooms and use standing desk to work there.


Problem is when I disconnect my laptop from the docking station (where external monitors are connected) other windows "jump" to the laptop screen, apart from Alteryx external tabs - meaning I can't "reach" it, even if I disable/enable or restart Alteryx.


It's not really a complaint of any sort but just a discussion if there is a way for this to be improved?

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Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes