Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Waterfall Chart in the Interactive Chart Tool

When the stacked bar chart option is added to the new interactive chart tool it would be fantastic if the functionality can be developed in such a way that waterfall charts can also easily be created. has a workaround for doing this with the old chart tool but it would be much better if this functionality was a built in option going forward.

8 - Asteroid
Hi Carl Sorry to hijack this thread but regarding the stacked bar chart for the new Interactive Chart tool, has that been submitted as an idea already or is this function confirmed for a future release. I have just discovered this limitation with the new tool myself but cant see it mentioned anywhere else. Thanks Kevin
6 - Meteoroid

I was told at Inspire Europe that it is currently scheduled for the release after next.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes