Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Update/Delete Output for Microsoft Azure SQL Database



Support was added in 2018.4 for conditional update and deletion of rows in a SQL Server table (ODBC) based on incoming records, however Azure SQL Server is not supported.

Surely support for Azure should not be difficult to add given other SQL Server implementations are now supported?


See original idea here:


And 2018.4 release here:



5 - Atom
Hi all, First, thanks to @acowpy for following-up our previous discussion! I upvote the idea, an Update/Upsert option for all databases would be a great add to Alteryx. Having to rewrite the whole table is manageable as long as there isn't too much records, but it is not scalable... Best, Alban
Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes