Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Text wrapping in the formula tool

Would it be possible to have the text wrap inside the box when we are creating new formulas?

5 - Atom

In using the Render tool to output to Excel, Is there a way NOT to wrap text within the columns, since this increases the row size. Thanks!

5 - Atom

When is the February release?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@roshea We've just updated the target release date to early March. I'll update this thread once the updated version is available. 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

We just released a new version of Designer with this fix included. Check it out on our Downloads page. 

5 - Atom

@RachelW, is this release going to make it over to  That's normally where my team and I grab the updates from, but it's still showing v 11.7. So just curious, want to know if I should point them to the link you referenced, or just have them check the normal place in the next few days...  Thanks!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Implemented

@AgentQrange With our change in licensing you'll download the newest version from the link that I provided. 

5 - Atom

I agree.  Would be much easier!

5 - Atom
Has this not been resolved in version 2019, or am I missing something?
7 - Meteor

@zhussain it was implemented in 2018 see the notes above.  I am on version 2019.3.5 and it's still working.