Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Test Tool Outputs

While it is good to have the test tool stop outputs based on tests, it isn't too insightful to users on the full details of these error messages. It would be more useful to have an output location for a test if these errors appear so that end users can troubleshoot instead of the workflow developer having to work through all of the error messaging.


There are workarounds for this that can be used, but they are often extensive and require the addition of significant logic. Adding optional outputs to the test tool would be a simple fix that could save a lot of hours of debugging when end users find an error.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Thank you @JReidour product and engineering teams appreciate all the feedback on how to make user experiences easier. It would be greatly beneficial for our teams to understand how many users would value this sort of update, so be sure to share this with any other users you'd believe would want to see this in the product! 

5 - Atom

Absolutely correct. The test tool is somewhat of a "oh that's nice." I've no use to a test tool for which there is no output to log somewhere! Would prefer: ability to log to a db (in-db) or write to a file.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes