Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Snowflake Bulk Loader | Utilize built-in Snowflake Stage Instead of Separate S3 Bucket

Now that we have a Snowflake Bulk Loader option, it would be great to utilize the built-in Snowflake internal staging.  This eliminates the need for an end-user to have the technical know-how or access to IT resources to utilize a separate S3 bucket and generally reduces friction in the process. 


There was pretty widespread support in the original Bulk Load thread:

8 - Asteroid

Looking forward to this one! Any timelines on the release date/version? We are looking to start using the AWS Bucket for the Snowflake Bulk Load but keys are a challenge due to company policies. I would wait for this one!

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Hi @jineshnp31,


We're glad to see people excited for this feature! While we cannot provide timelines or release dates at this point, this feature is in beta currently and in the Coming Soon status, so we're looking have it available to the near future.

7 - Meteor

Is there a reason this was not included in the final 2020.2 release having been in the Beta? The lack of this feature is totally blocking our attempts to move our data to Snowflake and is extremely frustrating 👎🏻

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Hi @robsuddaby,


While we're excited to release this feature, we couldn't include it in the product as it isn't quite ready for production environments yet, which is why we placed it in the beta program. However, the feature is coming soon and we look forward to including it in a near future release!

8 - Asteroid

Currently, to upload large amounts of data from Alteryx to Snowflake, we need to connect using the Snowflake bulk loader which involves inputting an AWS access and secret key which is not static. Is there a way to add a feature to allow Alteryx to connect directly to the internal stage Snowflake S3 bucket?

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Hi @balajilolla! Thank you for your feedback! 


Just to confirm, is your request of using the internal stage feature in snowflake similar to this idea?

8 - Asteroid

Hello @KylieF . Yes this is the one. Thank you for pointing me to this link

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Implemented

Thank you for your feedback and support!


We're excited to say this feature has officially moved out of beta and is now available in the latest version of Alteryx, 2020.3, which is now available for download! Be sure to check it out and let us know what you think in the Designer Discussions board.