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Sharepoint List Input/Output - Windows Authentication

I would like to request the ability to connect to a SharePoint List to bring data from and write data to via Windows Authentication.  Currently, the only way to connect to a SharePoint List is via username/password which does not work for our current environment.  

6 - Meteoroid

@Alexp - the credentials are not the problem. The request here is for Alteryx to not require password with the username. Just like for Alteryx allows for the option of Password OR Windows Authentication mode on an Input connector for SQL Server, we would like the same options for Sharepoint.

5 - Atom

Hi AlexP,


I would like to second @TommyB, the Windows credentials are not the problem.  We are completely unable to connect Alteryx Designer to SharePoint without Alteryx Designer having a Windows Authentication option on the SharePoint List Input and SharePoint List Output tools (similar to what is available on the Input Data and Output Data tools when connecting to SQL Server).


This is a very important feature needed.

7 - Meteor



Our team encounter similar issue. Since we use Active Directory to login PC, it is not necessary for us to input username or password to go into sharepoint.

Under the existing setting, we cannot get the sharepoint list to Alteryx for further processing as no password is required for us to go to sharepoint as mentioned above.

Please allow window authentication in sharepoint list input/output icon that we can use these functions in our current workflow.





Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Thanks for the comments. My understanding is that the desired solution is to add a checkbox similar to SQL Input and Output that a user can check to automatically use the Windows Credentials they're currently logged into their machine with (WinAuth), as opposed to manually entering them, which we do currently support today.


This will remove the need to manually enter these credentials.


This is dependent on functionality in the SharePoint API we're talking to, but we'll look into this and see if it's possible on our side.



6 - Meteoroid

My workaround is to download with PowerShell from the Run tool. Something like:


$url = "http://my-server/sites/DEPT1/_api/lists/GetByTitle('"+$List+"')/items?`$top=1000"
$out = "c:\temp\out.csv"

# Windows auth
$x = Invoke-RestMethod -UseDefaultCredentials -Uri $url -ea stop
} catch {
} $n = 0 $result = ForEach ($row in $ { $n ++ # get fields names # $ | Get-Member $neat_rec = [PSCustomObject]@{ "n" = $n "title" = $row.Title "attachment" = $row.Attachment "subj" = $row.Subject } $neat_rec } $result | export-csv -path $out -encoding ascii -NoTypeInformation

exit $exitcode
5 - Atom

I would like to join my friends here.


Its very important to have windows authentication, or at least some way to parametrize user and password for this object. In my case i can connect with the network user, but i have more than 60 workflows where i need to change the password every 30 days (company policies). It makes the connector almost inviable for many automated  processes connecting to the sharepoint.


My best regards for you all.



6 - Meteoroid

This may not work for everyone's use case but another workaround to consider is using an encrypted macro as follows:


1) If you have a user/password account with appropriate accesses and does not expire, consider using it in the Sharepoint connector

2) Put this connector in a macro; and save this macro in a folder only accessible by people with need to know user/password

3) Encrypt the macro (this is a feature in Alteryx)

4) Share the encrypted macro with other users by putting it in an accessible folder. They can use the encrypted macro as a pre-configured Sharepoint connector in their workflows.


Users (including you) will not be able to decrypt the macro and therefore will not know the password.


If edits are required, this means only people with need-to-access can edit the unencrypted macro in step (2) and they would repeat (3), (4).

10 - Fireball

Any updates on this? In 2020, are we able to use the windows authentication for SharePoint?