Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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SAP HANA/ In-DB Connection - Field Descriptions

Current In-DB connections to SAP HANA via ODBC don't extract the Field Descriptions in addition to the technical field names. This forces users to manually rename each field within the workflow or create a secondary, In-DB connection to HANA _SYS_BI tables and dynamically rename. This second option only works if the Descriptions are maintained in the BI tables (which is not always the case).


I have posted the work-around solution on the community but a standard fix would be welcome. DVW and Tableau both offer solutions that seamlessly handle this issue.

8 - Asteroid


5 - Atom




Thanks for getting back to me. That idea which you referenced is actually my own post. For what it's worth, in my own organization, this is considered a show-stopper for some users considering adopting Alteryx. Some in my own team tend to think of Alteryx as too "free-wheeling" for formal analytics and this topic in particular stands out in initial discussions. I know HANA connectors probably don't make up a large percentage of your user base (thus the lack of upvotes on my post) but I hope Alteryx will address this in a coming release.
Matt Snoke
Master Data, Analytics, & Performance
Roche Diagnostics
Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes