Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Rename Transpose Name/Value Fields Directly in Tool

Another seemingly minor one that would just make life a little easier and clean up workflows.  I often find myself renaming the Name/Value fields from a Transpose to be more descriptive.  Currently this requires a Select tool after each transpose, and it would be nice to put a couple of text boxes at the bottom of the transpose to rename Name/Value directly in the tool itself.

10 - Fireball

I like this.  Really, there are two things I would like to be able to do:


1. Rename the default field names to a more descriptive heading

2. Adjust the data field type

12 - Quasar

I almost always follow my TRANSPOSE tool with a SELECT tool, so I'll echo what DQAUDIT said.


Add functionality to the TRANSPOSE tool to:

1. Rename the default field names to a more descriptive heading

2. Adjust the data field type

7 - Meteor

Excellent idea !

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes