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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Remove newer version warning

I work for a company that is still running v 10.5. It takes some time for us to go through acceptance testing / approval for new versions of software, and therefore we will only upgrade to version 11 in November at the earliest.  At the moment there is a warning just above the workflow stating that a newer version of Alteryx designer is available, which decreases the size of the workflow canvas etc. There is a dropdown to to defer this warning for a period of time (90 days/1 year etc), but this appears to make no difference as the warning shows on every startup of Alteryx. It would be great for this warning to be removed/the deferral to actually work as it becomes old pretty quickly when I have to remove this warning on every startup.




Hi All! With this weeks release of 2024.2 we have a native way to disable the version alert (and other product updates) in the User Settings. This is part of the new and improved alerts and notifications in this week's 2024.2 release.


