Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Related Duplicates Items

The unique tool is great for removing duplicate items.


However, if wanting to identify and extract all items that have related duplicates (i.e. the unique item and the associated duplicates), I currently need to use a summarise tool with count, a filter tool to identify the duplicate items and join tool to link back to the original data set. It sometimes takes a few times to get the right combinations, and additional summarise and join tools are sometimes needed.


It would be great if there was a duplicates tool which worked like the unique tool (i.e. you can select the field to duplicate on) and pulled out the unique item together with the associated duplicates.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for posting your idea!


This is an interesting idea, and I think it would help our product managers a great deal to understand what use cases, from both the original poster as well as other members on the community, would most benefit from a tool like this. 


If your interested in more ideas in this part of the product be sure to check out our Category Preparation label!

8 - Asteroid

Hi @KylieF Thanks for your reply!


The example use case which would improve my workflows are when looking for duplicate payments or duplicate claims such as in the insurance industry.


We might search for duplicates based on certain fields (and not just entire records), so when reviewing the output determine whether there are actual duplicates or false positives, it is useful to see both/all related entries together so that the context of the other fields can be reviewed and compared against source files etc. 

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
8 - Asteroid

I recently the Crew Macro Pack - This includes an "Only Unique" tool which does this for me!