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Paste an Image from clipboard directly into comment tool...


When documentin alteryx screen I sometimes hit printscreen and need to paste important matters to Comment tool...

But there is no paste from clipboard 😞



I suggest adding a minor icon that enables not only reading from png but pasting a screen or other image copied directly from memory...


For I need the following setting so I printscreen and capture as is;


Join doc.png


Then put that into a PNG or JPG file using paint. And then prepare a comment box with that image in the background...




6 - Meteoroid

This would be a great help! Yes please!


We are currently taking screenshots of the results pane or tool configuration for workflow documentation.


mages can be added to comments and the workflows turned into PDFs for handover or sign off. 


50 images on the canvas is super repetitive: screenshot > save as > add comment box > open file 

13 - Pulsar

If there would be a method for creating "animated gifs" while using Alteryx that would then become a great moving tutorial too. Best way to document something... 🙂


Thanks for the support...

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Great idea. I think it will make my life much easier. 

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

I really like this, I would include a lot more pics If I could just copy and paste them in.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

I'm surprised this only has 4 votes, seems like a useful feature for documenting a workflow!


I think @SeanAdams and maybe @Aguisande have talked about wanting a feature similar to this before.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

I definitly agree.


Now we can copy/past text from clipboard to the canevas and it automatically create a Text input with the text.


On the same principle we should past an image and it could automatically create a comment tool without frame and color.

=> 1 clic vs the 7 steps we have now:

  1. Find a folder where to saved your image
  2. Save the picture
  3. drag & drop the comment tool
  4. clic on the background icon
  5. find the folder where you have saved the image
  6. select your image
  7. Select the shape to 'No Shape" in the dropdown list



So of course it would increase the user experience but it would also increase the general maintenability and documentation of everyone's workflow.

Why ? because I know from my customers that they would like to add screenshot that are more precise that any text. But on a large scale those 7 steps are far too time consuming and boring.


There is sooo much images in the workflow past in the designer forum because this is the easiest way to be sure your reader understand what you are talking about.



Moreover it would also help the workflow to be more beautiful that they use to be. Just a copy past and you can add, logo, images... And then increase the "public perception" of our designer.



If it takes 7 steps we all know that no one is going to make his workflow beautiful (except if it is your primary job).


Hope it helps to increase the priority if not too complex.


Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

I could really use this!!