Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Only need one click to write a customer filter

I love the new Basic Filter option and it makes writing filters easy/self-expanatory for new users and helps with functions like isnull(). However, I'm almost always writing what are now called 'Custom Filters' and it takes two clicks to do this.

From a User Experience perspective it would be great if you could click in the expression box to write the filter rather than having to check the customer filter check box, or start by creating a basic filter and then make it more complex using the custom filter box without having to check the tick box.

Following on from this and something that is probably a lot harder to implement - But with the new basic filter, it would be great to have a list of available fields populate the options to filter by - Similar to the option that you get in Calgary. E.g Country == and then the drop down list would contain whatever is available in the data (e.g. Spain, UK, USA, Etc...)
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Hi Joe,

Thanks for the comment. It probably isn't obvious enough, but you can write a Custom Filter expression with only one click. When you click the Custom Filter radio button, the cursor focus goes to the Expression window at the bottom and you can start typing immediately. But the idea of just being able to click in the Expression window is an interesting one. (By the way,if you copy/paste an existing Filter tool, it will retain the "Custom" setting and you can just overwrite the expression.)

Thanks for the comment, along with the suggestion to pre-populate the last field of the Basic Filter "expression" based on the incoming data. We will consider both ideas for future releases.
Geoff Jones | Product Manager – User Experience
13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar
Hi Geoff! I hadn't actually realised that - must have clicked in the box 100's of times without realising so thanks for pointing that out!