Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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One Tool Examples in Spatial Category

Alteryx started as a geospatial application. The "y" and "x" in Alteryx stand for the geospatial origin of the application. So why doesn't every tool in the Spatial Category have a One Tool Example? As of version 2019.2.7, there is only one One Tool Example in the Spatial Category. It is for the Distance Tool.


Please make One Tool Examples for every Spatial tool. Thank you.

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

Great suggestion @seven, it's awesome to see new One tool examples added as they are extremely useful! And it looks as though this is now complete for the spatial tools WOOP WOOP  🎉


@KylieF this can therefore be marked as complete ✔️

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Implemented

Thank you for the ping! 


Joe is completely correct we did include one tool examples for all the spatial tools, which are available to check out in the latest release of Alteryx!


As such I'm updated this idea to Implemented.