Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Multi-Level Summarize Tool

Hello, it would be helpful to be able to have multiple levels of detail in a summarize tool. So, rather than aggregating on the lowest level of the group-bys, being able to select the level or partition for the aggregate. The current workaround for this is having multiple summarize tools and joining back to get all the data in one table.


The configuration would look something like this:

FieldActionAggregationOutput Field Name
RegionGroup by  Region
MetroGroup by  Metro
StoreGroup by  Store
UPCGroup by  UPC
Store SalesSumStore; UPCItem Store Sales
Store SalesSumMetro; UPCItem Metro Sales
Store Sales


Region; UPC

Item Region Sales

Store SalesSumStoreTotal Store Sales


With the aggregation field maybe being a pick-list of available "group by" columns. It should default to all the group by columns, but you could un-select some if you wanted a higher level of detail.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

hi @phoebe_kelley we appreciate the feedback! We’re doing our best to ensure all product ideas are reviewed and commented on by Alteryx when the necessary criteria are met.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes