Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Manage Assets Box

When saving a workflow to the gallery, the manage assets box is a fixed size. Due to the length of our file paths, the full path name is cut off. This makes it difficult when trying to package macros to select the correct box. I understand you can group assets by tool, however with the more complicated workflows this can still present it's challenges. I'd like to see this box to be re-sizeable.

Manage Assets Box.png

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Coming Soon

Thanks for submitting this idea. I can see where this would be frustrating. We'll take a look at this and make a change, so you can see the entire file path. 

10 - Fireball

This seems like quite a simple fix and is very frustrating. I can't see which file is which when they are saved in the same directory.


Option to make window bigger would be very helpful!


Product Suggestions - (3) Manage Workflow Assets.PNG

9 - Comet

So happy this is coming soon. Much needed!!!

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Implemented

This idea is being updated to implemented as a scroll bar was added to the Manage Assets window in a previous version, this scroll bar allows users to have full visibility into the file path from end to end.