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Make the Flexnet license portal useful

The  license management site needs major work.


On the View Licenses page it shows all licenses going back several years. A basic need is to show only licenses which haven't expired, but that is not an option.You cannot even sort on the expiration column while you can sort on most others columns.


The most simple need is to see a list of my current active license users - but I do't see a way to do that.


I tried an "Advanced Search" and chose  expiration date after 2019-10-29 and none of my licenses which expire in 2020 appear - I get a blank list.


Similarly on the administer machines page you cannot filter to hide expired licenses or even on the licenses column (which doesn't sort either).


The help link on the page doesn't bring you to help specific to that page but the general activation help front page. After several clicks I found this page:


But  the help is incomplete (doesn't list Machine types or the difference between Active and Inactive)


Also, there is no export capability - copy and pasting into Excel is a formatting headache as it brings in check-boxes.


Lots of room for improvement here.





P.S. I understand that work is being done on this, but an ETA would be greatly appreciated.


5 - Atom

I am also experiencing the same frustrations. I need a quick and simple way to see all activated seats and be able to customize the view with the information i need which is primarily user email, activation date and license number. Currently this is spread across various pages and requires many clicks to put the puzzle together.


Being alos able to eliminate old license numbers and the associated users linked to them would reduce the clutter. 

An additonal idea would be to allow the possibility to move seats between license numbers but i guess this is more linked to how licenses are granted to start with. In any case if there is a way to allow this it would also bring flexibility to license admins to be more efficient in managing the license usage across the organisation


I also experience really slow charging times when moving between pages and this has been the case the 50 plus times i have used the portal.




8 - Asteroid

Has anyone created a solution to pull this data out in an automated fashion? C/P is not sustainable and we're really looking to capture daily info to not only get an understanding of current license users, but also use the "Last Modified" date to understand the power users in the foot print. 

5 - Atom

In my organisation we had to create a web scrapping solution programmed in Python to do this automatically at specific intervals in time and send an email to a specific group of people. This can then be scheduled. It avoids having a person do this every day. 

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

Hey @Robert_Blackey 


Some of these features are now possible, although I do still agree there are more improvements that can be made and the licensing portal is SLOW, but I do understand that a lot of this is out of Alteryx's hands!


From your list of requests it seems like:


These are COMPLETE

  • You can sort in view licenses (takes a few seconds)
  • Advanced search and filtering by date does work. It takes some time to load and would be easier if you could filter directly from the header.



  • In administer machines you can filter on Active or Inactive (however, this doesn't seem to be the same as expired)
  • The help link does indeed take you to general license help, but I think this is okay
  • Export licenses - this would be a great improvement
9 - Comet


  • Export licenses - this would be a great improvement


I see this less as a "great improvement" and more as a "must have"


I currently have nearly 200 machines and 80 licenses.


There doesn't appear to be any way to remove machines that are no longer licensed? In fact many of those machines no longer even exist since they were Windows 7 images. So where my list should have a maximum of 80 items I care about it still has 195.


Even if it was only 80 it would still take me most of the day+ that it currently does to do a license recertification.

9 - Comet

Updating to keep this idea alive as the Flexnet portal is the absolute worst part of the Alteryx platform. Trying to govern licenses through the licensing portal is soul crushing and counter-intuitive to the purpose of Alteryx. I saw reference to sorting results in a few seconds. My experience is much greater and in some cases, can't log into the portal at all. There is a 'work around' where administrators are emailed reports by Alteryx fulfillment team, but this is another manual process that is required to govern an analytics automation tool. Any tool that Alteryx uses should be compatible with Alteryx Designer. 


If portal performance decisions and Alteryx connection are out of Alteryx hands, then they need to switch to a different platform ASAP.  

9 - Comet

Where is the 10x Like button when you need it.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
8 - Asteroid

Please provide the ability to export the users list to a CSV or EXCEL under the Actions button.


Provide similar export functionality site-wide.

5 - Atom

The "new" management site isn't much better.  Export is broken. You cannot revoke an old license and assign a new one.  Just says to send the user a new license!!  Really?  This is a step backwards.  The speed of the site - I can read a news article while waiting for a response or forget why I can to the site in the first place!  Surely a data analytics powerhouse like Alteryx can make a better admin site!