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Make field renaming in Summarize Tool optional



Whenever a Summarize tool is used, it renames the output field (e.g., sales becomes SUM_sales or AVG_sales).  




I think a reasonable compromise is to by default not rename fields in the Summarize Tool, but to include an option (in the tool, or in global settings) to allow for renaming.




I have yet to come across a use case where automatic renaming of aggregated fields is desirable. What I have come across is the annoyance to rename the fields back to what they were with a Dynamic Rename tool, and sometimes having to do this multiple times (e.g., converting back a SUM_SUM_SUM_sales back to sales). Additionally, automatic field renaming causes workflow errors when workflows are later modified by adding/removing a Summarize tool (e.g., if you later add a Summarize tool, all downstream steps will expect the "sales" field and not know to use the "Sum_sales field). 


Automatic Renaming feels very much like historic Excel with Pivot Tables field renaming and not reflective of modern code-based workflow best practices.


I appreciate you considering this improvement.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Great idea! I think a toggle in the tool would be ideal to handle this, with the default being to not rename like you suggest. 

12 - Quasar

Even better - wouldn't it be awesome if the Summarize tool had an interface similar to the Select tool @schaferc  @patrick_digan !

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

SUM_SUM_SUM_SUM_SUM_SUM_sales  😑 when I see this in a dataset, I automatically know it is coming from alteryx.


A simple check box would be enough and easier to handle between versions I think, but I like all the suggestions!

12 - Quasar

I actually find it useful that it renames the field but I can understand your frustration if you're always having to convert it back.  I agree with @jacob_kahn - a true embedded Select function would be best.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes