Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Make Grid Tool - Change output to be ordered by 'GridName'

The 'Make Grid' tool appears to occasionally scramble the order as shown by the 'Grid Names' I have highlighted. As its almost in order it gave a false sense of looking as though it was designed to be in 'GridName' order, so it was not obvious that it needed to be sorted. To make the tool more intuitive it may make sense to give the option to sort by 'GridName' or just do it by default.







Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

hi @IraWatt, thank you for your idea! We appreciate the time our users take to provide us feedback and help us improve our product, especially when it comes to the user experience. Be sure to check out our other product boards and user ideas as well as our updatedSubmission Guidelines

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes