Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Macro Governance 1 - Provide A Warning Regarding Duplicate Macros On Path

Hello gurus - 


I think it would be an important safety valve if at application start up time, duplicate macros found in the 'classpath' (i.e.,, ) generate a warning to the user.  I know that if you have the same macro in the same folder you can get a warning at load time, but it doesn't seem to propagate out to different tiers on the macro loading path.  As such, the developer can find themselves with difficult to diagnose behavior wherein the tool seems to be confused as to which macro metadata to use.   I also imagine someone could also arrive at a situation where a developer was not using the version of the macro they were expecting unless they goto the workflow tab for every custom macro on their canvas.  


Thank you for attending my TED talk on the upsides of providing warnings at startup of duplicate macros in different folder locations.  




Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your feedback!


Our product team greatly appreciates all the feedback we get, especially around macros and macro governance since its a commonly used feature. The thorough use case is also greatly appreciated as it helps the product team understand the needs and goals more clearly.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes