Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Join Multiple tool to output un-joined records in a separate anchor

Hello Alteryx Team,


It would be great to have the possibility to output joined and unjoined records in the 'Join Multiple' tool into 2 separate output achors. Another possibility would be to have a switch in the tool's configuration to 'Only output records that did not join'.


The idea behind this is that sometimes you need to work only with the 'problematic' records that are not present in all of the inputs and it would be great to have an easy way how to get to them. I am aware that this can be done with a Filter tool after the Join Multiple but it would be nice to have this feature directly in the tool.


Thank you very much for considering this idea.



Jan Laznicka

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for submitting your feedback and use case! Your idea has all the correct labels to reach the necessary product teams once the required engagement levels have been met. If you haven't yet please be sure to check out our Submission Guidelines!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @JanLaznicka 

Your suggestion makes sense - and there's a generic version of this where any error is sent to an error anchor here:


9 - Comet

Hi @SeanAdams,


I like the generic one as well, I gave it a like :).




Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes