Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Improve R.exe exit code error handling

A common problem with the R tool is that it outputs "False Errors" like the following: "The R.exe exit code (4294967295) indicted an error"

I call this a false error because data passes out of the R script the same as if there were no error. As such, this error can generally be ignored. In my use case, however, my R tool is embedded within an iterative macro, and the error causes the iterator to stop running.


I was able to create a workaround by moving the R tool to a separate workflow and calling it from the CReW runner macro within my iterator, effectively suppressing the error message, but this solution is a bit clumsy, requires unnecessary read/writes, and uses nonstandard macros.


I propose the solution suggested by @mbarone ( to only generate an error when the R return code is 1, indicating a true error, and to either ignore these false errors or pass them as warnings. This will allow R scripts and R-based tools to be embedded within iterative macros without breaking.



5 - Atom

Alteryx should not treat this as a designer idea, it should be treated as a bug in their software and fixed with a software patch.


5 - Atom

agree with @mdegiule 

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Under Review

Thank you for posting to the Alteryx Community. Your idea is currently being reviewed by the Alteryx Development Team for a possible future release. Please note that this review process can take some time, we’ll do our best to keep you up to date on the status of your idea.

8 - Asteroid

I agree with @mdegiule. I am attempting to embed an R script within an analytic app. The app runs successfully, but erroneously outputs message telling the user that there is an error. I cannot deploy the app in this state.