Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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IBM DB2 in-Database availability

Please include IBM DB2 as an in-Database option. Currently, my primary use of Alteryx is for copying DB2 tables into Teradata for use on that server. Copying large tables and particularly joining several tables and copying the results to Teradata is too slow in Alteryx.

5 - Atom

Is there any efficient and alternative way we can pull the data from IMB DB2 storage systems into Alteryx?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Under Review

Hi All,


We'll look at adding this in the future.




5 - Atom

It would be very helpful if there is a DB-2 Data Source added into the DDL of the In-DB Connector in Alteryx. Attached is the screenshot of the same unavailability  

5 - Atom

We are use both Oracle and DB2 BLU and we plan on moving much more into DB2 environment. We have been struggling when using alteryx with data in DB2 environment. Please implement DB2 indatabase cabability.

7 - Meteor

Get me DB2 In Database please! Yes? Pretty please? No seriously, that would make this already awesome designer be even greater.

5 - Atom

Hi Alex,


I posted my db2 in-database request on the other thread ( the one you posted earlier in this thread ) before I see this one. Just to clarify, we are using db2 blu if this make any differences for the driver development. I believe the recent up take on db2 market share is mostly on db2 blu and we are migrating our data warehouse into db2 blu. It makes a huge difference on how we use alteryx as it is so much more convenient using the in database tool.


Any idea on the time frame for it's availability?

13 - Pulsar

20 stars but not much care...

6 - Meteoroid

Just been searching for this too. We use many DB2 data sources and we are looking to pull data through to Alteryx but struggling. We are going to workaround by pulling through VBA into an access database then using Alteryx to pull from that, but this is far from ideal


It would be great to know whether there was DB2 in the works.

6 - Meteoroid
def needed.
6 - Meteoroid

We do a lot of analysis based on IBM DB2 data and would love to see this feature added soon. Would increase our productivity several times and happy users!