Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Filter for Browsing Windows

It would be extremely helpful if Alteryx could add quick filters to the data browsing windows that would allow you to filter the contents of the window based on each column.  Essentially just replicate what you can do with quick filters in Excel.

Without this, I'm often forced to copy my data out into Excel in order to do any detailed trouble-shooting, and often there's too much data to copy, which prevents me from quickly getting to what I need.

Of course you can create a whole separate filter object, but that's combersome and requires re-running the workflow.

7 - Meteor
Also if we can have Sorting by clicking on column names in the browse tool would be helpful..
7 - Meteor
This would be a great feature to have in Alteryx to allow users additional capability within the tool. Currently i am having to rerun large workflows with a filter to achieve the same result which may not be efficient
9 - Comet
I agree, this would be extremely helpful!
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Thanks for the request.  While it is not currently in the immediate roadmap, it's something we are considering for a future release.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Accepted
5 - Atom

In the same way, it could be great to have filter options in IN-DB browse tool to be able to verify the data based on some filter in an In-Database Workflow.

6 - Meteoroid
Yes, I agree with Olivier. In DB features must be enhanced with this option to help my users saving time for testing purpose.
7 - Meteor

Quick filter type functionality within the browse tool results would be such a time saver.  I hope it's "on the roadmap" sooner rather than later!

6 - Meteoroid

Hello Ben, Any update on this ?

I am currently using 11.5 and would love to know if this feature is in Development or already available in future versions.

At present, I have to export the data to excel to perform intermediate filter and sorting for testing my workflow results.

This is quite a pain, extremely time consuming, leaves user with multiple unnecessary intermediate excel files, and breaks the continuity.


I hope there is a quick solution for-


1. Sorting results in Browse tool

2. Filtering results in Browse tool

3. Change the Column sequence in Browse tool


* Any of the above tasks should not affect the workflow filters and column sequence or sorting in any way.


Thank you,

Aditya Sardeshpande

11 - Bolide

Can't wait to see this in 2019.x - it was demo'd at both Inspire conferences.