Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Embed Excel Workbook in Gallery Application

I know that many Alteryx users have been looking for a way to output results from the Alteryx Gallery to either specified cells in an Excel workbook, or a "raw data" worksheet. 

So here are a few options that don't always work:

1. Use a Run Command to duplicate an Excel template - WRONG - Unrestricted Alteryx workflows is rare.

2. Access a template in shared folder - organization's aren't all perfect, yet


Therefore, I'd like to suggest to be able to save specific files in a folder that can be included in the Alteryx package uploaded to the Gallery that the workflow can reference just to output towards. 


Thoughts? I do love the Reporting tools, so this isn't a necessity - but it would help the process of delivering Alteryx output to legacy Excel users / reviewers / managers /etc.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your feedback and idea!


Our product team greatly appreciates all the feedback we get for how we can improve the user experience of our products. Just to confirm is this idea is for the Public Gallery, or for our private gallery that comes with our Server product?

12 - Quasar

Hey @KylieF 


Thank you for reaching out! I think that really this should sit as a Designer feature initially; if a user could package an Excel template in an Alteryx workflow, that user can share the analytical application that references the Excel template packaged in the analytical app. As well, I assume that this should be scalable up to the Server as it would be a general packaged asset. 


I just want to emphasize, that my idea is strictly the ability for the workflow to also be able to reference the packaged Excel template.



Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Awesome! Thank you for the clarification!

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes