Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Dynamic Input - Raw

When using Dynamic Input with databases, the Database may be returning errors or other information that the tool cannot parse into a dataset.


It would be great if we could see the 'raw' response from the database somehow, as this might provide insight into why we are not getting the expected results. 


If the tool could output an optional error column that has the unparsed response from the database server, it might allow us to debug the problem ourselves. 


If the returned data is actually a string response from the database, but one that is flawed in some way, we might still be able to parse data out of it to 'ride over' the error.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your feedback!


This is an interesting idea for our product team and we'd appreciate seeing just how many users would be interested in a feature like this. If you haven't, be sure to review our Submission Guidelines, which go over the boards in a bit greater detail, and like and comment on any idea that would benefit you.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes