Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Dashing Detour in Designer

@RithiS ,


I'm a fan of using DETOUR tools in Alteryx.  I often place "test" code into a standard workflow and opt to use it or not based upon a detour.  The challenge is that adding a detour and detour end invariably leads to having to re-route connectors (default of adding tools is to connect to the left).  Here's a picture:




What I'd like to do is SELECT the tool or tools that I want to connect around (in this case, just the formula tool).  I'd like to right-click and DETOUR.  The detour and detour end would be added (putting the selected tools in the path of the RIGHT option.  This would greatly speed up the tool configuration process.


If you want to go for extra credit, you could modify the GUI to express which direction a detour is travelling in a standard workflow (e.g. make connections wireless or dashed when not selected).






@Claje @Hollingsworth @SeanAdams 

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

I agree and would extend and say that the 'do some action with the currently selected set of tools' is a process that deserves more attention. I haven't installed a recent version that has the 'turn all of the selected tools into a macro' yet, but I am looking forward to it.



ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

I think this is a great step towards helping those who also test/dev using the Alteryx platform.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Thanks for this idea! You all make very good points about users who test/ dev and how "'do some action with the currently selected set of tools' is a process that deserves more attention."  We're happy to pass this along when the necessary criteria are met.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Could we add a conditional detour so that the condition is built into the detour tool, instead of having to be applied from outside?


For example - go left if there's zero rows - go right if there's more than zero.

That would dramatically simplify canvas creation, and make the detour tool MUCH richer.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes