Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Create Python integration into Python Tool in Alteryx

Python pandas dataframes and data types (numpy arrays, lists, dictionaries, etc.) are much more robust in general than their counterparts in R, and they play together much easier as well. Moreover, there are only a handful of packages that do everything a data scientist would need, including graphing, such as SciKit Learn, Pandas, Numpy, and Seaborn. After utliizing R, Python, and Alteryx, I'm still a big proponent of integrating with the Python language much like Alteryx has integrated with R. At the very least, I propose to create the ability to create custom code such as a Python tool. 


They said at Inspire 2017 that this is coming in the near future.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

 Hello @aHogancamp


Thank you so much for posting your idea. We also think Python is great at Alteryx and now have a beta version of the Python SDK available.


You can find documentation for that here! 


The SDK allows you to create a custom tool that uses Python for the run-time. Does this fulfill your idea, or were you thinking more along the lines of a tool, similar to the R tool? 



5 - Atom

Where can I find the Python SDK?

7 - Meteor



This is the link I found with the links to the specific SDKs. This link suggests that the SDK is still in beta, but I don't know if that's accurate anymore or not.


The SDK is still in Beta as of 2018.1, but I think it should be fully released sometime this year.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Implemented

Hi All!


Thank you for your feedback and idea! This idea has been implemented in our latest release, 2020.2, which launched earlier this week! You can download this new version here.

11 - Bolide

@KylieF- Wasn't the Python SDK and Python Tool released with 2018.2 and 2018.3 respectively? Or are you referring to the packages listed in the original Idea post?


Thanks for your updates on these Idea posts! 🙂

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team



Whoops, was still in release mode apparently. You're completely correct the ask was implemented in 2018.2 and 2018.3 respectively. Sorry for the confusion and thank you for the correction!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

 @aHogancamp @cam_w 


We just released a new tool for integrating Jupyter notebooks with Alteryx called Jupyter Flow. It packages your specified environment into the tool, allowing for a great deal of portability. Run it easily on Server and share it with colleagues. Manage your python code outside of the tool, without Designer. Check out the post for more goodies and if you use the tool, let me know how it works for you!