Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Container Management in Workflow Configuration

At first I was going to suggest a new tool, but I think this works better as a configuration item.  Some users, myself included, develop workflows with several containers intended to allow portions of the workflow to be turned on and off for the purpose of debug, more efficient development, etc.  Managing which containers are enabled and disabled can become cumbersome and time-consuming.


I propose a new tab in the Workflow Configuration to allow the user to easily enable/disable containers.  The Container configuration tab would list all containers by their tool number and caption. Each container would also have a state slider (Enabled/Disabled) that would show the current state of the container.    The user could click any container's state slider to enable/disable as desired.  An "all" slider that enabled/disabled all containers would also be helpful. 


This enhancement would centralize container management and save developers a lot of time.


Thanks for your consideration.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Thanks so much for your feedback. We've heard from many people that we need a way to make enabling and disabling containers easier. We're working on designing a method to make this easier. Unfortunately, I don't have a specific timeline regarding these improvements yet. 


Thanks again for your feedback. 

14 - Magnetar

Any news on this? Maybe this could be analysed again. I do not think this would be hard to develop. 

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes