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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Container Caption Font Size

Make the Container Caption Font Size Adjustable


I find it helpful to see the entire workflow at once.  It would be very helpful for the container size font to be adjustable.  For example, I am documenting a workflow with many containers and tools.  The containers represent segments of my workflow.  When I am looking at or printing the entire workflow, the container heading is too small to be read.  If the font size were adjustable, it could be increased to be readable and still fit easily into the length of the container.  


Thanks to zuojing80 and tcroberts for their comments on 9/10/2018.

7 Comentários

Great idea @papalow!  I am having exactly the same issue.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @papalow 

Agree with your idea - I think this would be useful.


What most folk do as a workaround is to use a comment tool (which does have an adjustable size) but agree that this is a workaround rather than a direct solution.


Thanks Sean.  Documenting workflows is really important...but often the last thing I find time for.


Thank you @papalow for posting this GREAT idea.  Would be a super helpful for organizing, decluttering, and optimizing workflows.  

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status alterado para: Accepting Votes

When I shrink my canvas due to large workflows, it would really help to be able to view the container captions without enlarging the canvas.


Sometimes my container caption is longer than the number of tools in the container. Having the option to wrap the text of the container caption would be helpful (I know I could just use a comment tool but I like putting longer details in my container caption sometimes).