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Connectors for Google Adwords and Google Trends

6 - Meteoroid

This couldn't happen soon enough!

13 - Pulsar


Google trends addition would be so effective that you will be able to use globaş and locak trend topics in your ARIMA w covariates analysis to fine tune your foırecasts...


I second this idea... Looking forward to it!

9 - Comet

 Yes I am also in need of an Adwords connector. There is an crucial KPI missing (well probably more...) called Search impression share. I am using alteryx to match margin to adword sales, but we also want to calcuate potential cost and revenue based on possible Search Impression share.


Please make such a macro/connector Alteryx :)

14 - Magnetar

YES PLEASE !!!, even just a more generic connector that makes it easy to connect when OAuth is involved :) 

8 - Asteroid

Hi All,


I am looking for connecting Google adwords using the macro being shared in the community. Has anyone been successful connecting?

What are the pre-requisite for connections? I already have access to google adwords account. How do i generate developer ID and token?


Any leads would be helpful.




Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Under Review

Hi All,


Thanks for the idea. There are two different connectors being requested here. Which one has a higher need? Trends or Adwords?




Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

 Hi All,


We're researching building connectors to both Adwords and Trends in the next quarter. However, we're interested in hearing specific use cases and what metrics you're looking for so that we can make sure what we build gets you what you need out of these platforms. Please comment or DM me with specifics.




14 - Magnetar

The tricky question is that I want all the data :) ;)


Everyone is going to want different parts of the data, so it might be just as easy to get everything - right ? ;)


I'm happy to discuss @ Inspire if that helps :)

5 - Atom

Hi All,


We are looking for alternative ways to connect Google Adwords with Alteryx can any one provide the information it helps us a lot..




13 - Pulsar

My use case with google trends;

  • I'd like to embed current search term trends data (which can be exported as an excel sheet only)
  • Will use it in conjunction with ARIMA tool for forecasting
  • This tool only (not ETS) enables to do time-series analysis with covariates


  • This will greatly improve sales forecasting analysis
  • Will be able to analyze ROMI (return on marketing investment)
  • Also helps us to track competition