Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Configure insights & Interactive Chart

When using Interactive Chart tool; or Insight tool - every time you click on it you are asked to configure, even if you've already configured this previously.


Please could you change this so that it displays the "Configure this tool" screen ONLY if there is no configuration in place.


This tool is already configured, but still you get the "configure this tool" dialogThis tool is already configured, but still you get the "configure this tool" dialogYou can see here that there is configuration already (looking at the XML)You can see here that there is configuration already (looking at the XML)You can also see that this tool is already configured if you look at the config itselfYou can also see that this tool is already configured if you look at the config itself

8 - Asteroid

Hi @SeanAdams 


My issue with the Alteryx Interactive tool that I'm facing is that the value inside my bar chart do not change with each new input file however the height of each bar does. When I run the workflow it remembers only the values when I previously opened the configuration of the chart tool. Why is this happening? Is this some sort of cache issue?

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Your idea and feedback is appreciated!


Our product team is constantly striving to make our products better, and the user feedback we received is critical in that mission. We recommend checking out our Submission Guidelines as they go into greater depth on the criteria needed for an idea to reach product as well as go over the boards in general. Make sure to also check out other user’s ideas!

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes